Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

3rd Person POV

Ren was sitting nervously in his chair, he had already read up on what the practical exam entailed so he knew about the robots and point system, but that in no ways meant he was ready. In terms of fighting he had no quirk to use, and although he would have loved to bring his trusty knife, there was the frightening possibility that Eraserhead might recognize it. The same went for his sleeping gas, and either way the gas wouldn't work on robots.

Remove those two items and the vigilante had his brains, his self taught fighting skills, his strength and borderline wild instincts as a result of surviving on his own, and his experience. Ren was quietly hoping that those things would be enough for him to at least be put into General Ed. despite his quirkless status. 

As it was, the boy knew he would need to prove himself to be incredibly capable of being a hero if he wanted the UA teachers to overlook his lack of quirk. Ren knew from his research and reading that most people now-a-day's all had quirks and that those who didn't often belonged to the older generations. He could only hope that they would give him a chance.

The undercover vigilante was suddenly jolted from his thoughts by a loud voice close to him. 

"Excuse me sir but I have a question. On the print out it listed four villains we would have to fight, but you've only listed three. With all due respect if this is a mistake, then it is shameful for a school with such prestige to have overlooked it. I expected more from UA." A sharply dressed teen was addressing the speaker who it seems had been explaining the robots and point system.

Ren's currently light blue eyes widened. The speaker was Present Mic! He knew that Eraserhead and Present Mic were friends because on one of the rare evenings when Eraserhead chose not to try to catch him they had actually had a semi-decent conversation that had been interrupted by a phone call from a "stupid blonde cockatoo", as Eraserhead called him, before leaving because: "my friend just got his face stuck in a jar of peanut butter".

Quietly fanboying in his seat, the boy began to actually pay attention as his zoning out had caused him to miss quite a bit of Present Mic's speech.

He watched as Present Mic hurriedly addressed the somewhat intimidating looking teen's comment. "Do not worry! There is in-fact another robot, however this one is worth zero points! This robot is the largest out of them and is meant to simulate a situation in which you may not be able to win against a villain, it is literally pointless for you to try to fight it so I recommend staying out of its path!"

The boy bowed and thanked the Hero before sitting back down. 

It wasn't long before all the students were ushered out of the room, the crammed space and mix of excited and nervous chatter was once again affecting the vigilante's unaccustomed senses and it was a relief when the large group of people were finally led outside and brought to different exam sites.

Once stationed behind closed gates Ren awkwardly stood as far away from the group as he could without drawing too much attention to himself. At some point he had pulled his hood up in an attempt to block the sound of so many people but it had done little to help.

He was practically ready to leap for joy when the gates opened and Present Mic yelled "Okay go!" on the loud speakers. The vigilante had quickly left the area, barely noticing as Present Mic told the other examinees that: "The guy in the tie-dye has the right idea! There are no countdown's in real life!". He did however notice the loud stomping of feet behind him and the vibrations caused by what seemed to be explosions. Practically on his wits end the boy ran even faster to get away from the overstimulation of his senses. 

It was only when he almost ran into a robot that he was able to calm down and enter his 'vigilante mindset' in order to refocus. 

Remembering his plan to do the best he could in order to hopefully not be thrown out immediately due to his status, the vigilante began to do what he did best. The other examinees might have quirks, but Ren had something they didn't, 5 years of experience taking down villains. 

Aiming a kick at the robot, Ren quickly analyzed the situation, making notes of weakness and strengths as well as maintaining a watchful eye on his surroundings. Within a moment the boy had used his strength to tear a length of piping from the wall beside him and used it to stab through the robot, quickly eliminating it. 

The vigilante smile slightly under his hood before quickly taking off to get more points. If all the robots went down this easily, then the exam might not be so hard after all. Ren began to eliminate robot after robot, motivated by one of his strongest features: Hope. 

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