Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia or anything by Hans Christian Anderson

Note: "normal speed of speech", "fast speech", "extra fast speech" , *This does not apply to the flashback section.*

-Izuku is still 6-

Someone with an easier life might ask: why is he reading so much? Doesn't he have anything better to do?

The answer is no, he doesn't have anything better to do. He's stuck at a beach filled with trash and he can't get out.

He's tried to yell for help but the sound was blocked by the wall of trash. He's tried to climb up the piles of trash and almost got a concussion when the pile shifted under his meager weight. He's tried to get through the wall of trash by traveling through it but got stuck and ran out of food and water, luckily he finally found his way back to his "home" before he died of dehydration.

The wandering through trash did have one benefit though, about a 10 minute walk away from his house the piles of trash began to recede until it completely disappeared at the small stretch of land were wave met sand. It took 10 minutes to reach this place because the safest route, the one with the least amount of trash blocking the way, curved in odd ways before reaching the desired location.

The kid's days were split between reading, listening to the cassettes, looking for food and other items, tending to his garden, and going to that little strip of sand that was somewhat clean.

There wasn't much to do, but the boy was still happy that he was finally able to wash himself in something that wasn't just rainwater. Even if the dirty water left a dried coating of salt on his skin after washing, the boy now had access to a body of water he could bathe in even when it wasn't raining. It was a luxury he had missed during dry months filled with stinky clothes and pasty spit.

It was that absence of external activity that allowed his thoughts to wander, but as usual, his thoughts always revolved back to one thing. His mother.

She still hadn't returned. 

And the previously happy green haired kid was six now. He read college level textbooks and children's stories. He listened to sped up explanations for why the end of the world was coming and why a man's death was imminent and all of the things he wanted his one friend named Janice to have. He had killed wolves and drunk his own urine when he ran out of water during the summer. He was growing up. He was getting older.

The innocent four year old boy who had entered the piles of trash following his mother without question had grown to be a socially stunted six year old. And believing that his mother would return was getting harder each day she wasn't there. 

"Why hasn't she come back?" He would ask himself in his quickly spoken Japanese.

It was a fateful day when his eyes were drawn to the blue book lying innocently underneath the All Might figurine. 

"Maybe the book has an answer? It couldn't hurt to check..." he mumbled, before walking over and retrieving the book. 

"The Ugly Duckling..."

The next few minutes were filled with silent reading and slow understanding as the boy understood the story... and something else. Climbing up to the top of his house from where he could see a small bit of ocean the boy stared in shocked silence. 

"I'm an ugly duckling... My mama doesn't want me. I have no other family." his rapid speech became faster as it matched his distress. 

"But why?!" And with that one question, the question he had forced himself to ignore for two years, it seemed as though everything clicked. 

He was quirkless. And in this society, in this point in time, the only thing that mattered was your quirk. And he didn't have one. 

His intelligent brain slowly put together the pieces as he remembered a memory he had suppressed:

~start of flashback~

A happily bouncing kid with messy green and black streaked hair was waiting by his mom to find out what his quirk was. 

"Ms. Midoriya? I'm afraid your son... doesn't have a quirk." The doctor said. Turning to the horror struck boy he continued, "You're quirkless kid. You can't become a hero."

The boy's mother stiffened beside him, before grabbing her kid's hand and leading him out of the room. The car ride was filled with the boy's quite sniffles and his mother's slowly increasing anger. Suddenly the car lurched to a stop as the kid's mother yelled at him: "How dare you be quirkless! After everything I've done for you this is how you repay me! You were supposed to become a hero with that other brat and make me rich, but no! You just had to turn out useless!"

The boy trembled in shock, tears and snot rolling down his face.

"Get out of the car now!" she yelled at him. Quickly removing his seat belt he complied and followed silently as his mother continued to hurl insults at him while they walked further into the towering piles of trash that were soon going to become his prison. 

~end of flashback~

He heaved a terrifying sob as his everything began to make sense. A while ago he had found a book titled: "Human Evolution and Quirks" by some author he had forgotten. The book itself explained the origin of quirks and how they signified the evolution of humans. 

But he was quirkless. And therefore less evolved. 

Unlike the ugly duckling, nothing he could do would make him a beautiful swan. Life had given him no matches for a peaceful death, and no mother was willing to enter death's garden for him. 

He was alone. 

"I'm not Midoriya Izuku anymore." he whimpered to himself, and he knew it was true. His mother had rejected him. A society which placed those with quirks above those without had rejected him. And now he had neither.

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