Chapter 24

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Warning: Cursing courtesy of Bakugo

Note: 'thinking', "Ren writing things down is still in quotations", ALL MIGHT SPEECH IS IN BOLD

3rd Person POV:

Ren stared in anticipation as Bakugo's bright red eyes met his. 'Okay I can do this, I just have to focus. I can't afford to lose, I need to prove that I can be a hero.'

Carefully taking a deep breath he began to analyze his opponents. 'Alright, so Bakugo has an explosion quirk which I've seen cause quite a lot of damage. His costume also has grenade type things attached to it, and I doubt it's simply for decoration.' the vigilante eyed the grenades warily, 'that might be a problem later on. Especially if they actually work like real grenades, thank bunnies I thought to ask for a fireproof and resilient costume material.' 

Finishing his analysis, he looked over to Iida and his armor. 

'Iida is probably related to Ingenium,' he thought, recalling one of his early days using his Frankenstein computer. At the time, he'd been scrolling through Hero news and had thought that Ingenium was a robot and that Heroes were slowly being replaced by AIs. 

(That thought had sparked a whole new strand of thinking, which eventually led to a coded notebook hidden in his "house" detailing several plans and courses of action that should be taken in the event that robots do take over the world.) 

'The engines in Iida's legs allow him to move at high speeds, however, he needs a bit of time before maximum speed can be achieved. This means that although he'll be fast, if I can get him one on one in a hallway his maneuverability and speed will be hindered.' Eyeing the two, he concluded, 'Judging from the way Bakugo is glaring at me, and his brash behavior earlier, chances are he won't work well with Iida and will just end up doing his own thing. If Bakugo leaves, Iida will probably stay behind to guard, and I doubt Bakugo will want to stay as 'backup''. 

Nodding to himself he began to plan situations and counter situations, glad his mask could block noise as he began to mutter quickly. (He hadn't quite gotten used to pretending to be mute, although the isolated days with no one to talk to had prepared him to some extent.) 


The vigilante watched with keen eyes as his opponents entered the building, noticing Iida's stiff posture as his body angled slightly away from Bakugo's. It seems he was right, the lack of team work will make this easier then. 

Hardly any time had gone by before All Might's voice rang out again. "YOU MAY NOW BEGIN. GOOD LUCK!" 

Without hesitating, Okami began to scale the walls of the building, adopting his vigilante mindset as he peered cautiously into the windows of the building. 'If Iida was left with the bomb then chances are he hid it somewhere hard to access but large enough so he can use his quirk... So a big room probably near the middle of the building.'

He quickly ducked under the window ledge he was climbing when he saw Iida standing by the bomb. Chancing another look through the window, he noted Bakugo's absence. 'the question now is whether Bakugo decided to go up in the building or down.' 

Running some quick scenarios in his head, Ren pulled himself to a ledge a level above the room Iida was in and quickly smashed a window, using all the stealth he could muster to be as quiet as possible. Entering and being mindful of the broken glass, he slipped in and began to listen for any sign that his opponents had heard him.

For a moment he heard nothing before, -Boom-, the faint explosion followed by a stream of cursing came from somewhere near. 

Quickly pulling out one of the new smoke bombs, he hid himself behind a concrete column. Thinking quickly, the vigilante came up with a plan and smiled eagerly under his mask. If things went as planned, the exercise would be over soon. 

Before long Bakugo entered the room he was in. "Where are you, you f***er? Do you think you can hide from me? HA?!"

The vigilante held his breath behind the column as Bakugo stomped to the smashed window, predictable. Ren smiled again, this was way easier then infiltrating drug rings or gang bases. 

Leaping out from behind the pillar, Ren pounced on his prey, quickly using his strength to wrestle his opponent into position. Barely a couple of seconds had passed before the vigilante had both of Bakugo's palms aimed at the ground and an elbow digging into a specific pressure point on the bewildered kid's arms. 

As he had hoped, the shock coupled with the sharp jab at sensitive points in his arms caused Bakugo's quirk to go off. 

Ren's ears rung with the explosion, and the hands gripping Bakugo's wrists prickled with the sadly familiar feeling of singed flesh. 

Not bothering to wait, Ren leaped into the hole created in the floor by Bakugo's explosion and threw the smoke bomb at the ground. The vigilante only got a moment to survey Iida's shocked expression, the location of the bomb, and the slabs of concrete and metal hindering his path, before his vision was blocked by thick gray smoke. 

Although he couldn't rely on his hearing to let him avoid his two opponents due to the way his ears were currently ringing, Ren knew that Iida and Bakugo would face the same problem. Knowing how to move silently was crucial for a vigilante afterall. 

Ren dashed across the room, carefully avoiding the debris he had seen on the ground, and reached the bomb within moments. His hand carefully met the bomb through the cloud of gray and he let out a small sigh of relief. 

"HERO TEAM WINS!" All might's voice rang through the building, coming slightly muffled to Ren's re-adjusting ears. He did, however, hear the loud: "F**K!", coming from Bakugo, as well as the equally loud admonishment from Iida.

A small robot with a bright light eventually cut through the slowly dissipating smoke and led the group out of the building. 'they probably use those for rescuing civilians trapped in areas that are difficult to access.' Ren stared at the bot in eager, and wary, curiosity. Who knows when the robots will plan to overthrow human kind.

The white haired kid was lost in thought at the rather anti-climactic battle, and didn't notice when Iida began to talk to him, only noticing when the armored boy clasped his shoulder. 

The vigilante tensed and whirled around only to calm at the sight of Iida. Before panicking as he realized that the boy had been talking to him. 

Quickly taking out his notebook and a forest green gel pen, the boy scribbled out a message in thin cursive. 

"I'm so sorry Iida! I can't really hear that well because of the explosion so I didn't know you were talking to me!" Ren held out the notebook and bowed in apology. 

He then proceeded to stare in extreme confusion as Iida made a series of wide hand motions until Bakugo yelled, "HE SAID HE COULDN'T HEAR YOU, YOU DUMB***!", before grabbing the notebook and pen from Ren's hands and writing something down. 

"Stupid robot here just said that you should go see Recovery Girl. We'll let All Might know were you went."

Ren smiled through the mask as he looked up from his notebook and nodded at his two classmates. Finding Recovery Girls office should be easy enough, he had memorized a map of UA's layout prior to arriving afterall. 


Meanwhile, a certain Principle was staring at several monitors as his favorite vigilante, (he no longer had any doubt that Okami was Speedy), walked through UA's halls. Maybe it was time to introduce himself. 

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates! Unfortunately I will be busy this week so I will not be able to update for a while. Thanks for reading and for all the nice comments! 

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