Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Note: 'thinking', "speaking normally", "speaking quickly", "speaking super quickly"

~Izuku's POV~

I round the corner of the alley to see Eraserhead fighting two thugs while a third already lies knocked out on the floor. Knowing he's got the situation handled and probably wouldn't want me to interfere, I sit in a shadowed corner where I can see the fight but not be seen.

I watch in quiet excitement as Eraserhead uses his quirk to cancel one of the thugs's quirk which seems to be a speed enhancer judging from the stumbling and slow movements made by the thug now that his quirk got erased. He had probably gotten used to making up for his speed by slowing his movements down naturally, unfortunately for him this allowed Eraserhead to knock him out before focusing his attention on the other thug. 

The other thug had a mutant quirk, giving him the tusks of an elephant and a large demeanor. I knew that according to the information on Eraserhead's quirk he wasn't able to erase mutant type quirks. However, he proved his prowess as a fighter by quickly incapacitating the last thug in a couple acrobatic moves and punches. With the fight now over, Eraserhead cuffed the men and texted whom I assume was the police. 

It seemed that whoever had been attacked by the thugs had long since run away, leaving the alley empty apart from Eraserhead, the three thugs, and me. Seizing this moment, I left my hiding spot and bounced up to Eraserhead in excitement. 

"That was so cool!" I gushed staring up at the annoyed man. "Kid... have you been here this whole time?" he asks, I nod happily before thinking and replying, "Well not really. I came here during the end of the fight. Don't worry, you didn't die!" I smile up at him through my mask and watch in confusion as he gains a stern expression. "Kid, you could have gotten hurt, and why did you say 'Don't worry, you didn't die'?"

I blush in embarrassment and rub the back of my neck. "It's a bad habit." I mumble quietly. "A bad habit of talking about death." he deadpans. "Yes! Exactly!" I nod again, happy that he understands.

Eraserhead sighs again before saying, "Look kid, I've gotta go. I have to finish my patrol," he turns away, "...and I have this vigilante to catch." I hear him say under his breath. Reminded of my question I yell, "Wait! Don't go! What's a vigilante?" I ask to the retreating man. Eraserhead looks back at me for a moment before replying. 

"A Vigilante is a person who uses their quirk illegally to preform heroic deeds or actions. This is not the same as using a quirk in self defense so long as the fight was not initiated by the one using the quirk." He frowns before adding, "Vigilantes are not heroes, and are to be treated as criminals because they are breaking the law. I hope that clears things up kid." And without saying anything else he leaves the alley, leaving me alone with three unconscious thugs and my thoughts.

'A vigilante... hm. Maybe he was talking about me? After all, the first lady I met called me one when I helped her...' I begin walking back home, mindlessly walking, crawling, and climbing through the familiar piles of trash. 

Maybe I could become a vigilante. It would allow me to visit the city and learn more about it after all.' I know that deep inside me, while I do want to know more about the life I left behind, I also want to help the society that had scorned me. It seems wrong to let some people suffer just because of a grudge. 

Curling up in my bed, I begin to come up with a plan.

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