Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Note: 'thinking', "speaking", "Izuku writing in his notebook (in this section it might be a bit confusing when he's using his notebook or not)" "fast talk"

Izuku's POV:

'Nezu is sitting across from me.' 

The principle blinked. 'Oh my sweet purple carrots, Nezu is sitting across from me!'

I snapped out of my panic as the principle cleared his throat, "It's so nice to finally meet you in person, Speedy."

I can honestly say that were I not laying in a hospital bed right now, I probably would have fallen over. Calming myself I grabbed my notebook and wrote a quick message. "I'm not Speedy, Principle Nezu sir." 

Nezu smirked. "Why, yes, you are. In fact, your body language just a moment ago proved it." 

"H-how?" I cursed myself mentally as I spoke aloud. Nezu smiled, "When I said your were Speedy, you immediately panicked, while others in your situation would have displayed shock or confusion." he replied simply. 

I stilled and looked at him seriously. "Are you going to expel me?" I asked in a quiet voice. 'Of course he will, a vigilante is not a hero, he only let me join to get information on me.' 

"Goodness no!" the Principle exclaimed cheerfully. "It would be foolish of me to let such a great potential hero pass by without doing anything."

'Okay, I must be dreaming, maybe Recovery Girl's quirk has side affects of hallucination or overly optimistic imagination.' I reached a hand over to my arm and slowly pinched my self. 'Hmm, not a dream'

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

Nezu's eyes seemed to soften. "Of course. I don't need an intelligence quirk to recognize a true hero when I see one. However..." I cringed and looked down at my lap. "I can't in good conscience let one of my students endanger themselves nightly.-" 

"-Principle Nezu sir, with all due respect, I will not stop being a vigilante. People will get hurt, and I can help stop that." I exclaimed, panicking slightly. 

"Don't you trust the heroes to do their jobs?" 

"A hero can't save everyone. And I know that I can't either, but I can help! I have to help!" Nezu blinked before smiling, "I don't know why anyone would doubt your ability to be a hero. However, that doesn't fix our problem, you are still a teen and it's my responsibility as both a Pro-Hero and your principle, to take care of you." 

I looked up at Nezu, my eyes watering slightly at the thought of people getting hurt because I wasn't there. "P-please." Nezu seemed to flinch back as he stared at me before he let out a sigh and looked away. 


"Thank you so much sir!-"

"-However," Nezu interrupted, "If you want to continue patrolling, you need to keep an earpiece on you at all times so that we can communicate. It will also include a GPS tracker so I know your whereabouts."

I thought for a moment. 'On one hand it could lead to me being captured by Heroes while in my vigilante gear and shipped off to prison without a trial... But Nezu doesn't seem like the type to do that.'

After weighing my options, I replied. "Alright."

"Great!" Nezu exclaimed excitedly, before pulling out a chess board and two cups of tea from out of nowhere. 

"How would you feel about a game of chess?"

The blood thirsty grin made me blink... before grinning back, much to Nezu's delight. "It would be my pleasure, sir."


3rd Person POV:

Recovery Girl had seen many things in her time, but having Principle Nezu casually walk by her to talk to a student was an odd sight. However, having him leave with a genuinely excited expression on his face was a first. 

"Is everything alright with Okami?" she questioned as the Principle walked by her office.

"Why yes, I'm actually thinking about making him my personal student."

Recovery Girl stared in shock before looking over at the bed in which Okami was currently laying. What kind of secrets could the child have, in order to have captured Nezu's interest, of all people. 

Healing the kid had been a simple job. His ears had been damaged a bit, but overall everything else had been fine. The only reason she had him stay was so he could regain his stamina.

She observed the silent boy for a while longer before shaking her head, 'Well, no matter, I believe it's about time for Okami to get back to class.'

Meanwhile Nezu walked back to his office, thinking about Speedy. 

'The boy is quite interesting. It's no doubt he's managed to evade capture for so long, we've only played chess against each other once before, and yet he's improved quite a bit from last time.' Nezu hummed. 'Not only that, but his wounded puppy expression is dangerous. And I don't think he even knew what he was doing.'

Nezu frowned softly, 'Actually, based on what I've seen, Speedy seems to be a rather socially awkward person.' The principle's famed mind raced as he examined his previous encounters and experiences with Speedy, before coming to a disturbing realization, one he should have had a while ago.

'Speedy is quirkless; and his speech, social interactions, and even writing are rather abnormal. All of that points to him having been estranged from society, or a social outcast, for a long amount of time... And if the age he provided as Okami is real, then he became a vigilante at barely ten years old.'

Nezu poured himself a cup of tea and gripped it with tense paws as he promised he'd find out what had happened to the selfless teen.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to update more but I didn't realize spring break was this week and now my family is angry at me. Hope you humans are having a great spring break!

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