Chapter 22

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Note: When Izuku is writing in his notebook I will still be using "quotation marks" but he will not be speaking out loud.

Warning: There will be cursing courtesy of Bakugo. The words will have: *** <-- these thingies.

Eraserheads POV:

It's the first day of school. I hate it. 

My alarm is ringing though, a recording of Present Mic yelling: "WAKE UP SHOUTAAA!", at the top of his lungs. It makes me hate him, but it's efficient. I wiggle around in my sleeping bag until I find my phone and turn it off. Maybe I can get away with not showing up to class?

I turn my head towards the classroom door. "I CAN PUT MY FEET UP ON THIS F***ING DESK IF I WANT TO!" 

I sigh, I guess I have to make sure the kids don't kill themselves before class even starts. I crawl to the door and enter the class, I still have a few more heavenly minutes of being encased in warmth, I'm not going to give that up for the sake of appearances.  

"I-is that a caterpillar?" I hear a shaky voice call out over the yelling of... I try to remember the names of my new batch of gremlins. Hmm... a kid with anger management issues and a rare rule abiding teen... must be Bakugo and Iida. 

I look around the classroom from my position on the floor and glance at where Okami is sleeping on his desk... problem child. I wonder if he needs coffee, because I'm not sharing. I watch as he blearily lifts his head and blinks in a confused manner. Ok, so maybe I'll let him get his own from the staff lounge, but that's just because of the bags under his eyes, definitely not because of how adorably pathetic he looks right now.

"Go somewhere else if you want to make friends," I say, eyeing Ashido and Aoyoma, who are currently having an animated conversation with Hagakure. 

Sighing again, I stand up and unzip my sleeping bag. "It took you way too long to both notice me and quiet down. You are training to become Hero's, in life every moment counts."

I chastise the students and watch as Okami flinches before rubbing his neck awkwardly and looking down in embarrassment. My eyes narrow, I'll have to look into that later. Although the flinch might have been nothing, Okami is quirkless and I doubt he's had it easy.

Moving on, I instruct the kids to change and meet me outside. Hopefully they'll learn from before and not take too long. Then again, it would give me an excuse to start expelling, too bad most of the kids this year seem to have potential.

I glance down at my phone to check the time when Okami comes out dressed and prepared, he took five minutes, impressive for the first day, but could still be improved.

As the white haired boy walks over, I notice the disturbing amount of scars littering the kid's arms. A set of scars crossing over his arm look distinctly like claw marks, and another higher up on his arm looks like a stab wound. I snap out of my reverie when the kid pulls out a notebook- where did that even come from- and starts writing in it with an orange marker. 

"Eraserhead, I'm a huge fan of yours! Could you maybe please sign my notebook?" Okami holds the notebook up in front of my face and I am accosted by bright orange block letters.

I stare at the writing and look down at the eager teen in front of me. 

"How did you know who I am?" I ask, for lack of better things to say. This kid reminds me of the first time I met Speedy. I sigh mentally, now I have two problem children who somehow know who I am.

The boy begins to write again and holds up his notebook. "I saw videos of you online. Your capture scarf and dark outfit is the same. Your eyebags also suggest lack of sleep, which makes sense because you patrol during the night." Quick and concise. Hmm. Before I can move the topic to something more important, like the amount of scars on Okami's arms, the rest of my class decides to finally make an appearance. 

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