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Jimin didn't said anything as his eyes were stuck there, on her flawless skin and that cute pretty mole. He pulled Y/N backwards, on his chest and placed his lips on her back.

Y/N gasped out loud...

He started to leave open mouth k!sses all around the mole and Y/N tightly cluctched the dress in her fists shutting her eyes. Jimin held her arms from behind and svcked her skin roughly to make a mark on her soft back. Y/N almost moaned out. Jimin moved a little away and saw the his creation and slowly pecked it. He heard Y/N's heavy breathing and his eyes widened... he came back to his senses and immediately left her arms. He slowly turned her around and saw her eyes glistening...

Jimin: I-I.. umm-

Before he could have said anything, Y/N ran inside the closet to take her night clothes. Jimin tried to stop her but words didn't came up from his throat. He sighed and looked her coming back and running inside the washroom again.

Jimin grabbed his hairs in frustration and lowly screamed.. cursed himself underneath his breath for loosing his control.

On the other side with Y/N

On the other side with Y/N

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As she closed the door of the washroom, her tears escaped from her eyes. What was that ? He doesn't love me right then why ?
It was new to her, she thought Jimin doesn't love her, its just he was attracted towards her and he married her because her family insulted his parents, she wasn't aware of her husband's true feelings and the love that he holds for her but is hesitant to express.

She wiped her tears and took a warm shower quickly. She wore her night pyjamas. Her hair were wet, no makeup, nothing.. she slided the strands of her wet hair behind her ears and grabbed her wedding dress, she slowly stepped out of the washroom.

 she slided the strands of her wet hair behind her ears and grabbed her wedding dress, she slowly stepped out of the washroom

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She got confused when she didn't saw Jimin in the room, the balcony door was also open, he wasn't there too, she thought he must be in the closet, she took a deep breath as she want to go inside the closet to keep her wedding dress.

She walked in and yes her husband was there inside sitting on the couch cleaning his p!stol gvn... Y/N got flinched after watching that.
Jimin suddenly looked at her and she gasped..

Jimin: Why are you standing there, c'mon keep your dress in the wardrobe

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Jimin: Why are you standing there, c'mon keep your dress in the wardrobe.

He said and started to load the bvllets in his gvn. Y/N nodded and walked pass by him in a hurry because of his gvn. She opened her wardrobe and she got stunned.. her eyes enlarged a little, because it was arranged so well. Of course her husband did that.

She safely kept her wedding dress where she saw the space. She smiled a little and touched her belongings arranged by him. Out of blue she heard that metallic sound again.
She nervously turned her neck and saw that Jimin was done loading his gvn and kept it on the glass table aside.

Y/N blinked two three times watching the gvn as she remembered that night again when Jimin forced her to marry him. She scoffed and closed the wardrobe, feeling the hurt.

Jimin stood up and glanced at her, she was also moving out but was staring at him. Jimin took his gvn and moved towards her, Y/N got scared watching him moving towards her with his gvn in his hand, she started to move back. Her back hitted the wardrobe but Jimin walked past by her. It took some seconds for Y/N process what just happened, her breathing got heavy and she closed her eyes. Jimin noticed everything and smirked, was he intentionally doing that ?

He walked towards her shivering figure and stood close to he, her eyes were closed, but she felt his hot breath, she opened her eyes and flinched badly, watching him so close to her.

Jimin: What happened wifey ?

Jimin held her waist and pulled her close to him, Y/N's breathing got crazy and her heart started to beat high, audible enough for Jimin.

Y/N didn't know what to do, she just pushed him lightly and tried to run away but how could Jimin let that happen, he held her wrist to stop her and pulled back but because of the force Y/N landed on his chest and both of them lost their balance.

Jimin opened her eyes and saw his wife on top of him and they were laying the cold floor. He saw her slowly raising her head, she wandered around and finally came to know that she was above her husband while he was holding his wife quite firmly.

Y/N's face was just a few inches away from Jimin's, she felt paralyzed by his presence under her. Jimin was staring straight at her lips... which was right above his ones. Y/N's breathing was irregular and heartbeats so loud that Jimin was able to hear them clearly.
Jimin's lips curve into a smirk and he tightened his grip on Y/N's waist.

Thats when Y/N felt something hard and heavy on her waist.




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