Chapter 51 Graduation

Start from the beginning

How did she get here?

Why was she here?

What had happened up in Heaven that made her leave?

Fortunately, Elias did know the answers and even though that scared Mia, she needed to know. It was one of those inevitable truths that with time one gets used to never knowing.

Her nose was tickled by the soft smell of the waters that crashed with the rocks underneath her as the sprinkles kissed her skin through her ripped jeans. The shores of Oaken-Kami were the closest thing she could use to visualize an escape. It was as if beyond those waters lied a bigger world, better and much happier for her. Not that Oakhurst was a terrible place to live, but it had just become a prison for Mia.

"Elias, why am I here?" she found her courage slipping away, so she grabbed it before any regrets could overpower her.

Mia didn't turn to face the angel, instead she felt him near her-his towering form shielding her back from any hesitation.

"I fear, my Captain."

Those words surprised her.

'Fear?' Curiosity suppressed her own insecurities, as Mia turned to face him.

He was a beautiful being, golden hair with crystal blue eyes like orbs of the sea, only this time they were cast away and filled with sadness.

She didn't understand. What did Elias have to fear about telling her the truth?

"Elias...?" she began, but he silenced her.

His strong hands landing softly on her shoulders as he pressed his forehead onto hers. He then shut his eyes and basked in her warmth.

Mia's cheeks flushed and her eyes widened. He was incredibly warm, but not the kind that felt like heat but more like the first rays of the morning sun after a cold night.

"Elias...what are you doing?" Slowly, she started to feel uneasy. Her entire body went numb as her knees weakened.

"Just know that you weren't all that different up in our world from the person you are now," he said to her.

And it was the last thing she heard, for within seconds her vision blurred.


What was it about Exsavior that no matter how miserable the circumstances seemed, he always managed to put a better side to it all?

Another curse beneath a muffled breath made David peer closer to his Alpha and brother. David couldn't help but watch how Exsavior struggled with something so small and trivial like tying a tie, and this was the same being that could single handedly cut down a tree with his bare fists.

Exsavior scoffed and once David finished with his own blue tie, he decided to lend him a hand.

"It's not like a shoe, Exsavior. A tie has its own method of making a knot." David explained, as he put himself before Exsavior.

Focusing hard on the knot, David did not look at Exsavior to avoid further awkwardness. On some levels, doing his own tie and Exsavior's eased his mind. David was a perfectionist, and small things like those would keep him preoccupied. At least enough to not think of her...

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