Aquatinted before

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I watch the white ceiling above me with absolute zero emotions. I can't feel anything, I know I'm alive and yet I feel as though I could get up and my body would stay behind me. The one and only reason I'm sure that I'm actually still alive is because of the monitor beeping just above my head, without that I'd be convinced otherwise.

"Miss Evars?" A gentle but firm voice calls out from the doorway, still, the ceiling has got my full attention. The man and maybe two more doctors come closer "Miss Evars I'm Dr Layton, we've talked before do you remember that?"

I don't care, I don't feel an ounce of care in me to not only respond but to pay attention to any of them.

"We ran some more tests" there's hesitation at this, still, I don't even blink as I stare up "I'm sorry to have to tell you this Miss, but you've had a miscarriage"

I don't react, I can't, I'm completely and utterly stuck in place. Yet everything Inside me shreds into bits and pieces, atom worthy size. The doctors begin to run forward, machines blear and there's a fuzzy feeling that's seems to sink me down even further till I can no longer breathe, or see-

— — — —

I gasp up clawing at my chest as I try not to choke on the overwhelming amount of air that has been knocked back into me.

When I realise I'm alive, I turn my limp body to a noise just above me, Nicholas is on his knees with both his hands chained on either side of him, Celine stands over him pushing cigarettes into his chest. I want to scream but nothing is coming out of me, I can only cry while my whole body feels on fire.

"Mia it's okay" he whispers turning back to me "it's okay baby it's okay"

I can't speak, I can only watch as she continues to butcher him with more burns.

"And to answer your question, I needed you to tie up a couple more loose ends before I could take over, and with you dying it complicated things, put them at risk is a better word" she stops to light the nearly gone cigarette back before digging it into a new spot on his body, he shudders lowering his head even more down "so I didn't bring you back because I wanted to, god no" a nasty chuckle escapes from her "you were just a pawn in a much larger game Nicholas"

Once more I feel a searing buzz drill it's way past my bones and into my skull.

— — — —

"You look like a princess"

"I absolutely feel like one and feel the glitter" I run up to her letting her fingers brush against my dress.

"So who do I get to be" she smiles down at me picking up my tiara, she's so pretty.

"You could be my fairy god mother"

"She has magic powers doesn't she?"

"Yes mama how could you forget" I giggle and twirl, the gown gets bigger the faster I spin, so I keep spinning and spinning and spinning till-

"Carful baby you'll hurt yourself" mama says as she holds me from my fall.

"But you always catch me"

"I do don't I" she laughs tickling both sides of my stomach-

- I stare back at her lifeless face, her eyes have become so much darker and at the same time foggier that I feel sick from just looking at her. Her beautiful eyes- her soft skin- it's all gone, she's gone, the person in front of me looks terrifying.

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