District 12 Male - EMRYS EBONY

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NAME: Emrys Ebony

AGE: 18

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Emrys is what many call a god in District 12. With dark skin the color of nesquick, he stands around 6'2 well fit with nice size muscles and a six pack that is visible. His eyes are the color of mud, and curly hair dark as ebony and that is cut short. His light brown lips have curves at the end looking as if smiling.

PERSONALITY: Although Emrys looks beautiful, he has to cover his real personality. The real Emrys is ruthless, sinister, he will kill anyone that he thinks has value in them. He loves the smell of blood and goes head over heels when cutting into the human body and pulling out the intestines with his fingers. "It's a piece of art." he says. But in order to not to get caught for the recent murders he puts up a disguise. His fake personality, is a kind, sweet, gentlemen who insist on helping others and hates to see people crying in pain. He usually hides his personality until his victim is lured into his house, where they never come out ever again.


WEAPON OF CHOICE: Machete, knives are too short when it comes to fighting to the death.


LIFESTYLE: Emrys started a better life than the rest of District 12, growing up wealthy and well fed his life change at the age of fifteen which was when his parents mysteriously disappeared. After that he lived alone, starting to have this hobby for killing people. He had to stop at seventeen though for District 12 was starting to get suspicious. After a year, he got married and is now planning on having a child with his beautiful wife Angeline, but with the good life there was always a secret that Emrys has kept and to this very day.

TOKEN: A amulet of the first person he ever killed.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now