District 12 Female - MINNIE HOWL

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NAME: Minnie Howl

AGE: 16

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Minnie has long, red hair that falls in curls down to her waist. Her skin is pale and unblemished while her eyes are light blue in colour. Not among those normal, general looking district twelve females. She is medium in size, standing at 5'4 and skinny. Minnie gets dimples every time she smiles, but personally she hates them.

PERSONALITY: Minnie is a quiet girl who likes to work on her own, never relying on anyone else but herself. She thinks that's the best way to get things done. Minnie is usually in a happy, bubbly mood and is a friendly girl. Though is stubborn and fiery, but yet also an optimist. She has many different aspects of her personality that contradict themselves. She is a very strange girl in that sense. Unlike anybody else.Minnie is also an athletic girl who enjoys running and other fitness sports like that. Never lets emotional things get to her. She stopped that long ago when she was only little.


WEAPON OF CHOICE: A knife or bow and arrow


LIFESTYLE: No parents. Only a little sister named Annabelle. The two of them have been by themselves for three years and between the two they both work as well as hunt to get money.

TOKEN: A chess piece. Her mother gave it to her

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now