District 11 Male - ZACHARY HOLMES

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NAME: Zachary "Skeetz" Holmes

AGE: 17

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: The first thing you notice about Skeetz is his height. He towers over almost everyone in all of District 11, standing at a whopping 6'7. Because of his dedication to keeping fit, he has a toned body and defined muscles all over. Keeping fit isn't a chore to him; it's a sacred tradition. Skeetz has dark brown hair with a few lighter streaks, although they aren't visible unless he's standing in the light, olive skin, dark brown eyes and a few freckles spattered over his face, neck, arms, legs and his torso. His cheekbones and jaw are both very defined, and his only flaw would have to be his ears, which stick out at different angles. Not that they ruin his amazing looks or anything...

PERSONALITY: Skeetz is a cheeky prankster. He's never serious, and he's always making a joke of some kind. There's a permanent smile on his face, except when he poses for photos. He likes to keep a straight face, to seem more 'macho'. He's infamous for his pranks, but he's so good that they can never prove it's him, even though everyone knows. Despite being a peacekeeper, he still goes to school, and makes up for lost time by patrolling at night. Even though Skeetz has a sense of humour the size of Panem, he is extremely subtle when necessary (like when making sure that his pranks cannot be traced back to him), and he's actually very smart. Many of the girls in the District admire him, but Skeetz hasn't had much time to socialise with them. Along with being smart and subtle, Skeetz also has a huge soft spot for his family and is extremely charismatic. Everyone wants to be his friend, but few truly know the real him. Skeetz has amazing eyesight and excellent intuition; nurtured from years of making the perfect pranking machines. He's fast - he has to be to escape anyone that might see him - and is extremely strong. He doesn't have an 8-pack for lazing around at home. But he does have one big problem... He isn't any good at being serious. If you need cheering up, or just to laugh, he's your guy, but if you ever want to have a serious talk with someone... I would NOT recommend him. 



WEAPON OF CHOICE: Any tools that he can make a trap out of; his pranking skills could also be used to kill and seriously injure others by twisting the inventive ideas into something dark and evil. Besides pranks, he's never had experience with a weapon, besides a gun. Which is useless because they don't allow guns in the arena. He's always wanted to try and use a bow and arrow.


LIFESTYLE: Skeetz provides for his family of five, because his mother is permanently ill and pretty much lives in bed, and his father gets bad cramps all over his body which prevent him from working for long. Skeetz was always fascinated by the white-clad figures that kept the peace in District 11, and had dreamed of joining them his whole life. He's been a peacekeeper since he was 16, one of the earliest cases ever reported. Normally the peacekeepers come Districts 1 and 2, but Skeetz caught the eye of the Head Peacekeeper, and was instantly recruited into the strict training program when he was 14, which was in District 2. He graduated at 16, and moved back to District 11 soon after. His family live in comfort with the money he provides. He's been officially training for three years, focusing on unarmed fighting and using guns, but he's been using pranking equipment since he was 9, and was causing trouble for years before that. He's virtually undefeated in unarmed fighting, and few can shoot better than he can.

TOKEN: Skeetz decided to bring his lucky whoopee cushion. You never know when you need to prank someone, am I right?

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now