District 9 Male - APOLLO BARLEY

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NAME: Apollo Barley

AGE: 13

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Apollo has a... lets say, different appearance for a district 9 male. He is 5'3", making him super short compared to everyone else. He has short windswept blonde hair and his tanned white skin makes him stand out. He is moderately built, and his hands are small, making hands on tasks easier. His emerald green eyes sparkle when something goes his way, and go dark green when he is angry.

PERSONALITY: Apollo's personality is an up-beat one. Most of the time he is fooling around, with his group of friends. There are 3 things that get him angry. 1, when people insult him. It doesn't matter what you say, anything related to the makes his eyes go green. 2, when people insult his friends. This sets his normal calm personality off edge. He cares about his friends, and this will be a big mistake for you. And last 3, When you insult his archery ability. His friends know that he goes out in the woods, to practice his archery. His friends think that he was called after the god of Archery on purpose, because he is so good. He just smiles and shrugs. When you insult his archery, he will stare you down, which looks funny for a 5'3" boy. He is normal calm, cool, collected, but when these happen, you'll see an entirely different side.




LIFESTYLE: Well, first Apollo wakes up in is bed, eats some sort of breakfast, and goes off to hunt, and practice archery. He always catches something, and sells it in the hub, and then goes back to his father, the mayor, and sits down to eat some lunch. The, he walks into the workout room in the basement. He lifts weights, and works on his acrobatics. He is agile, and powerful, so he can preform these stunts easily. The he goes and hangs out with his friends, Becca, Mark, Dakota, and Anna. He eats dinner, the goes up to bed, waiting for tomorrow to happen.

TOKEN: A small tulip, given to him by his best friend Becca, for good luck.

Author Games: The Last CannonWhere stories live. Discover now