Chapter 39

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"Dear Junie,

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"Dear Junie,

it's been a long time since I called you that. And it's my first time writing you a letter since we have broken up. Do you remember? When we kept exchanging notes in class at university, then we would write letters to one another every anniversary. I'm actually writing this letter on our anniversary. Well what was supposed to be our anniversary if we were still together.

For the first time since I have known you I had a hard time picking out a gift that you might like, so I decided to give you the only photo that I have of our child. Junie it was hard for me, it was really hard, I lost our child that I was supposed to protect. I felt like a failure. I really wanted to raise our child since it was the only part of you that I had after we broke up. I didn't see any hope of us being back together so I was planning on taking the secret to my grave.

For four years I kept the pain to myself, I tried to reach out to you multiple times to at least apologise, I wasn't planning on telling you about the miscarriage. I didn't want to put you through a lot of pain, I already caused you alot by breaking up with you. Breaking up the beautiful relationship that we had together. But I turned out to be wrong to keep such a matter away from you, I caused you even more pain.

I'm sorry. I can't forgive myself for all the things I caused for you, so I understand if you dont forgive me. But just promise me one thing, that you will take care of yourself. Even if you don't want me to be a part of your life, I still want you to live a happy and healthy life, Junie.

You will always be in  my heart,

Ah Rang"

I folded the letter as hot streaks were running down my cheek. With my trembling hands, I slipped the paper into a white envelope, followed by the only ultrasound pictures that I had of our child.

 With my trembling hands, I slipped the paper into a white envelope, followed by the only ultrasound pictures that I had of our child

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It was pouring rain by the time I got out of the car right in front of the payphone. I ran towards the figure of Yeonjun that sat down on the ground with his back resting on the payphone.

I approached the phone booth as my heart was racing and tears were being combined with the rain on my cheek. I opened the door of the phone booth to see Yeonjun nodding off as he waited for me for two hours in the phone booth, which was protecting him from the rain. He was wearing a suit, which meant he was planning on joining his father on the dinner involving the members of the board of the City Hospital. But it looked messed up now.

Dr. Choi Yeonjun // TXT FF Book 4Where stories live. Discover now