Chapter 32

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"Don't cry Mister Choi" I said feeling tightness around my throat and my own vision getting blurry

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"Don't cry Mister Choi" I said feeling tightness around my throat and my own vision getting blurry

"Sorry dear. Oh god I don't want to make this depressing but god I missed you so much" Mister Choi said before letting me go. "Would you like any coffee?"

"Of course i want some" I said

"Oh you have to try the new coffee that I got from Honduras. I got it from a farmer that grows his coffee in volcanic soil" Mister Choi's eyes lit up as he went towards the bar and opened a packet of coffee before starting to make it.

"Would love to try it out," I said. Mister Choi spent the next five minutes perfecting his coffee making skills. Soon he placed a vintage coffee cup that had the lace detailing painted in gold that he specifically got from italy. He also loves his coffee mug collection

I took a sip of the black coffee filling my mouth with a unique taste of the coffee that had hints of chocolate and hazelnut making the bitter coffee taste slightly sweet. Honestly I was amazed with the taste, it was like nothing I tasted before.

"Wow, it's really amazing" I said looking at Mister Choi where a smile grew on his face before he took a sip of his own coffee.

"How have you been dear? Its been four years since i last seen you" he said

"I... I... its been hard. Especially since i left" I said honestly "Yesterday there was a press conference held by the executives of the City hospital"

"Yes about that" Mister Choi sighed

"I'm not sure if you are aware that i do work in the Town Hospital" I said and judging by how unsurprised, he was he already knew that

"Yeah I knew that. In fact I figured that out a month after you left" he revealed

"What? Really?" I said tilting my head curiously

"Yeah. obviously i will look for you if you just took off like that. I didn't tell anyone, not even Yeonjun. It's your private matter and i didnt want to go around and tell Yeonjun where you were. But since then I have left you alone. I knew you probably went to town to get off the radar. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He said

I couldn't help but wonder if he knew about my medical history

"I came here to ask if you can stop the investigation" I said

"Listen Ah Rang, as a CEO I have to do what is best for the hospital. There has been too many evidence against the Town Hospital and we need to find out who is responsible and hold them accountable" he said

"You will hurt innocent workers in the process" I said

"We will shut down the hospital and the workers can be transferred to the city hospital. That's our plan" he said but he let out the important part

"I heard that the town hospital will be turned only for high figures who want to be treated out of the public's eye" I said and Mister Choi froze in his place. I couldn't help but feel disappointed. So it is true

"Listen Mister Choi, the Town Hospital means alot to me. I grew a lot from that place, not only as a person but as a doctor. The elite people already have the city hospital. In the town hospital we usually treat a lot of people who are in lower class or people who are suffering financially. Not only that but we treat emergency patients who have extreme cases of injury, ones that can't afford to drive all the way to the city or else they will die. Especially on Fridays, when everyone is out and living their lives, even here the doctors don't work on the weekends and on fridays. But we do. In the town hospital there is no such thing as a day off." I said

"On top of that the doctors and nurses there do the job for free. The way we get paid is having free food, shelter and water as we work. Unlike here where you can easily make twenty five grand by signing papers. What I'm trying to say is that the Town Hospital has an impact in the medical services it provides, we work hard to make sure all the patients are treated the best we can. It's not worth shutting it down. It's probably the only health care system that poor people can have access to" I said

"Still there is evidence against the Town Hospital proving medical misconduct" he said

"Can I ask you something?" I said and he nodded. "If I go into the record room of the city hospital do you think I will find the records squeaky clean like everyone thinks? Just so you know i'm referring to the hard drives that are hidden under the tiles"

My statement made Mister Choi grow quiet and his eyes hardened. I remember the day that Yeonjun told me that fact. I secretly went and confirmed it with my own eyes. I went to the record room and pulled one of the floor tiles up and there were lockers under the tiles where the lock was facing upwards. I managed to get it to open and indeed there were a bunch of hard drives there.

"Don't worry, I have no plans of exposing anything. After all, I don't want to ruin Yeonjun's career. But just like how you are protective over this hospital, I will also do anything to protect the Town Hospital." I said when a few moments had passed and there was no reply from Mister Choi, I stood up. "I believe my job is done here. It was nice to see you, Mister Choi and I really appreciate the coffee."

With that i turned and made my way to the door, just as i was about to open it i heard Mister Choi speak up

"I can't grantee to stop the investigation, i will have to try and convince twenty four of the executives to change their mind he said Including Yeonjun which for some reason had been extremely stubborn for the past two months" He explained

"Mister Choi, You do what you have to do and I will do my part. But i do ask of you not to push me to leak information about the City Hospital."

"I wasn't planning on having Yeonjun in this case," Mister Choi said, "I turned around to face him as I watched him lean back in his chair, "But I wanted to see how far he would go to protect the City Hospital. Even if that meant hurting his first love that he loved dearly, probably even get her arrested for medical misconduct"

That's when it hit me

He is using me to test Yeonjun

He is using me to test Yeonjun

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Dr. Choi Yeonjun // TXT FF Book 4Where stories live. Discover now