Chapter 24

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It's been a week since Yeonjun has left for the city

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It's been a week since Yeonjun has left for the city. The whole time I was drowned in work, patient after patient and it was never ending, and today was no different. I managed to get a quick thirty minute nap before a nurse came into the staff room informing me I had a visitor in my office. I managed to pull myself together as fast as I could before rushing down the hallway thinking all type of worst case scenario of my patients

I opened the door expecting one of my patients to be waiting for me, ready to complain about pain, bleeding that they are experiencing, vision impairment. Instead my stomach twisted in pain as Yeonjun leaned against my desk as his arms crossed his shoulder.

"Yeonjun? What are you doing here?" I said entering the office and closing the door behind me. "Are you hurt?" I asked, scanning his face and body for any sight of blood.

"No I'm not" He said in a slight cold tone catching me off guard. He rarely speaks to me in a cold tone. I looked up at him tilting my head trying to figure out why he would be here

"I will give you one last chance Ah Rang," he said, making me even more curious, "Tell me the truth about why we broke up" The tightness in my stomach became even worse, but I couldn't help but remember Miss Jeon's words. He deserves to know, it was his child as well

Just tell him, end this pain and tell him.

But I didn't utter a word

What if he hates me after what I did to him? What if he never forgives me?

"You are really not planning on telling me" Yeonjun chuckled in disappointment looking down at the ground. That's when he pulled out a documents and handed it over to me

"What is this?" I asked, taking the document and looking over it.

"Your medical history from the city hospital" He said, I flipped through the pages until my last medical report that's when I felt my blood run cold and my muscles shut down not being able to move an inch of my body as my eyes laid on the pregnancy details

He knew I was pregnant

"Now I really wish to believe that you accepted the money from my mom to pay off your student debt, but that wasn't the case at all, was it?" Yeonjun said "You accepted the money to support you and the child. Is that true?"

"Yes" I answered quietly

"I dont understand, why did you accept the money? Did you not trust me to take care of you and the child?" he said

"No" I said immediately "I trusted you, I always did. Four months after the Christmas party, I went to the doctor because I was constantly vomiting. The doctor confirmed that I was twelve weeks pregnant. I was honestly scared but I knew you will not leave me and you will take care of me and the child. Remember you always wanted to start a family and we always talked about it. I was planning on telling you the next morning so when I showed up at your house your mother called me into her office, where the same doctor who gave me the result so I knew immediately that she knew I was pregnant"

Dr. Choi Yeonjun // TXT FF Book 4Where stories live. Discover now