Chapter 13

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"Condition?" I asked as I made sure that the head of the patient was secured in the head frame that was supported by four large pins

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"Condition?" I asked as I made sure that the head of the patient was secured in the head frame that was supported by four large pins

"Stable," Miss Jeon said. The patient's hair was all shaved off so we had a better look at the bruises. I started to inject a substance to num up the skin of the patient, even though she is unconscious but she can still feel pain and without numbing her she can go into shock and eventually death. 

"Okay" I said, signalling the nurses who sterilised the surface of the scalp making sure there is no bacteria, applying ointment before placing a sterile drape with adhesive side on the patient's head.

{Sterile surgical drapes are used during surgery to prevent contact with unprepared. surfaces and to maintain the sterility of environmental surfaces, equipment and the. patient's surroundings. The ones with an adhesive side helps absorb any liquid spill that might occur during the surgical procedure}

Once they were done Doctor Kang and I sat where the patient head was and Doctor Min and Doctor Choi Beomgyu stood on either side of the patient where her lungs were

"Stable. Ready for operation" Miss Jeon said. We looked over to Doctor Park who was watching behind the screen of the operation room and he gave us a nod.

"Marker" I said and the nurse put one in my hand. I started to mark where the operation corridor will be, depending on the main injuries shown in the CT scan. That way we prevent cutting open parts of the brain that is unnecessary. One was on the top left of the scalp and the other was on the bottom right of the scalp. However to have a better look at the state of the skull we decided to open up as much as we can, by having an H incision. Two lines running on each side of the head then a horizontal line in the middle of the head

"Scalpel" I said and the nurse put one in my hand. I started to cut the skin. Once I was done, Doctor Kang and I slowly started to separate the skin from the skull bone using a small metal spatula. That way we can easily open up the skin flaps to reveal the skull bone. That way if there was a skull plate that wasn't intact it does not fall out

{skull plate: is basically a piece of the skull bone that is not intact with the rest of the skull}

"What the fuck" Doctor Kang gasped we slowly peeled the skin apart, which is good because there were parts of the skull that was falling off and thankfully didn't fall on the ground

"I never seen shit like this before" I said, I couldn't help but feel sick. We paused for a second allowing one of the nurses to take photos of the scene so it can be submitted to the police as evidence. The skull was broken into major parts and there were two parts where it was shattered, the bone was literally a powder.

Doctor Kang removed the major bone parts and then he used a small suction tool to gently remove the shattered bone. I didn't even need a drill to open up the skull even more to start working on the brain

Dr. Choi Yeonjun // TXT FF Book 4Where stories live. Discover now