Chapter 19

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I entered my office leaving Doctor Park and Miss Choi behind, and to be greeted by the silence in my office

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I entered my office leaving Doctor Park and Miss Choi behind, and to be greeted by the silence in my office. I walked over my desk and slumped on the chair revealing all the pain that was in my body from working all day. I rubbed my temple trying to get rid of the tension that was built up.

As much as I wanted Yeonjun to stay here in the hospital so I could see him, but at the same time I can't wait for him to leave so Miss Choi can also disappear from my vision. I'm so sick of her drama.

A faint laughter caught my attention, breaking my thoughts. I looked outside of the window that was right behind my chair to see Doctor Jeon, Doctor Kai and their son Kian playing in the playground of the hospital. my heart warmed up to the sight of it. They were newly wed and they seemed really happy.

But I couldn't help but feel a twist of pain in my heart. I often wondered what would happen if I didn't break up with him that night. If I managed to keep the baby and we grew our own family. We could have been like Junghae and Kai with their son Kian.

A sharp alarm rang, making me peel my eyes open before reaching over the nightstand and tapping any button on Yeonjun's phone just to get the alarm to be quiet.

"Ahhh" I heard Yeonju groan behind me as I heard him move around. I turned to face him in the darkness of our room as we layed in the bed we shared together. I wrapped an arm across his chest before pulling myself closer and laying my head against his chest feeling his warmth against my body

"Morning babe" Yeonjun greeted me with his deep raspy morning voice as he tilted my head upwards before placing his soft thick lips against mine. Without fail causing butterflies to travel through my stomach. I moved my lips against his returning his kiss

"Come on, we need to prepare breakfast" I said, with that Yeonjun and I prepared egg omelette and potato pancake with cheese on top. We placed the breakfast on the dining table, before heading back to the room and getting ready for work.

"There you go," I said as I finished tying Yeonjun's tie, who had his hand resting at my waist. I looked up at him to see him smiling at me causing a smile to appear on my face. He pulled me closer where our chest collided, without saying a word he pressed his lips against mine kissing me passionately making my knees give up. I wrapped my arms around his neck to support myself as I moved my lips against his, studying the details of his lips with mine.

Yeony ran his hand up my back sending sparkles at the trail he left before lacing his hands into my hair tucking it lightly making me moan softly as he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth filling my mouth with his minty scent. I moaned at his touch.

I wanted to push him away so he wouldn't ruin my makeup and hair that I spent the past twenty minutes doing but his touch and kisses didn't allow me to think of such a thing.

"Ah Yeonjun" I moaned as he nibbled on my sweet spot in my neck, that's when he pushed me on the soft bed, and grabbed each of my thighs and made me wrap my legs loosely on his hip. I pushed him away and looked into his eyes that was dark and full of lust

"We have to go to work" I said panting trying to get my vision to focus as it was blurred from Yeonjun's touch

"All I need is fifteen minutes" Yeonjun said about to lean back in but I pushed him away again

"We will be late" I said unwrapping my legs

"Please it will be quick, we will not be late" Yeonjun said grabbing my wrist

"No no no you will ruin my makeup and my hair" I said

"Oh come on please" Yeonjun begged

"Mama. Dada" I small voice echoed from the hallway

"Get off me" I said smacking Yeonjun off of me

"Ah it hurts" Yeonjun said as he stumbled away from the bed giving me room to stand up

"I promise you after work, just so you wait" he said glaring at me playfully, I winked at him before exiting the room and saw a small figure of a year and half old child in the hallway who looks half asleep. The child had a mix resemblance between Yeonjun and I, the sight of it made my heart melt

"Come on honey. Let's get you ready for nursery." I said, picking up the child in my arms. After thirty minutes all three of us were out of the door ready for the day.

That what it was supposed to be like

That's what I wanted

I would be lying if it is said I didn't have the motherly instinct grow even more even after my miscarriage. It's like my body is determined to have a baby, but I wasn't sure if I could handle the pain of going through it again. What if I fail again?

Suddenly a sharp cry bursted, I looked to see Kian who fell on the ground is now crying. Immediately Junghae and Kai scoop him up in their arms comforting him and showering him with the love he deserves.

At this point tears were non-stop falling onto my cheeks, I forced myself to look away because I know if I keep on looking it will just hurt me more and more.

It was just a fantasy that I loved because it brought me happiness just thinking about my child being happy and born healthy with Yeonjun by my side. But at the same time it brought me a lot of ache and pain because I knew that wasn't the case. And I don't know if that will ever be the case.

I sighed as I felt the ache in my chest increase by the second. No, Ah Rang, we aren't going to have a panic attack now. Not now. I repeated to myself. I opened the documents in front of me and started working. Hoping it will mute out all of my thoughts and pass on time without me feeling any pain.

Hours must have passed when I heard a knock on my door. I look outside of my window to Junhae and Kai and Kian are gone and now the sky is turning dark as night takes over.

"Yes, come in," I called out. The door opened and a nurse came in pushing Yeonjun in a wheelchair

"Hello Doctor Cha, the patient wanted to talk to you" she said

"You could have called me, I would come to your room" I said looking at Yeonjun who looked visibly tired as his under eyes were more visible.

"No I wanted to talk to you in private" he said, for some reason that made my heart sink to my stomach. 


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Dr. Choi Yeonjun // TXT FF Book 4Where stories live. Discover now