Chapter 1: No Hope

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All she had known for her four year life was pain, no love, no instinct and no passion. In the time she had spent in this dark nest she had observed these unusual creatures, they walked around in pure white lab coats that highlighted them in her perspective when she looked around. Although their motives were a mystery one sure thing was that they must've hated her strongly, as all they ever sought to do was torture her. They had sealed her in solid metal clamps that were exceedingly strong and unyielding, they were also immensely uncomfortable. The cold embrace with her comfort completely cast aside to only worsen her experience. The creatures would come to her and test various implements on her; needles, scalpels and intrusive metal implants that kept some of her wounds open as they experimented. Tubes of saliva were taken and skin samples were cut from her smooth skin. She noticed however that they never cut beyond her first layer of skin, as to not cause bleeding during any of their testing, and she knew why for her instinctual memories told her of the properties within her blood.

The day rolled on as usual but today was special as a new creature was joining the team that worked on her this evening. Her initial reaction was fear as he walked in and came right up to within a few inches of her slender head, but yet she smelt a strange pheromone on him. It wasn't that of fear or anger but instead as far as she could tell a smell of curiosity and humility in her presence. He brought his head closer still, for a second they were static before she instinctively opened her jaws and her secondary mouth lunged forward narrowly missing him because of his swift reflexes. Falling to the ground quickly and grunting he felt a mild pain in his outer thigh as she let out a subtle hiss as if to laugh at him, he was the only person with her at the time so his embarrassment was short-lived. Swiftly he rushed to his feet and stated, "You think that's funny do you?" and at that she was silent, no one had ever spoken to her like that.

However she found his scent not one of anger or resentment but instead one of disappointment. At that she bowed her head submissively as if saddened by her actions, then he did something bold and possibly incredibly stupid. He brought his right hand to meet the left side of her head, she felt cold and slimy to the touch but strangely calming and contenting.

What am I doing? This is insane… He thought intensely to himself awaiting her reaction to his hand on her. Her limbs were restrained so she couldn't react if she wanted to but what she did surprised him. She pushed her head into his hand sensually and smoothly as if she wanted him to touch her, then she crooned at him quietly and slowly started purring as his hand moved back and forth along the arch of her head. Having no real idea how to proceed he just continued to caress her by moving his hand up and down the smooth silky top and left side of her.

He is so nice, oh, his hands are wonderful. He is so gentle, not as nasty or forceful as the rest. What I would give to have him understand how much this means to me. This moment is the single most sensual time I've ever had. She wanted to tell him all of this and more about her time here but was completely unable to. So all she did was enjoy living in the moment of contact with another organism without it being absolutely horrific. Much to her dislike though he moved his hand away and left her for the night saying "I'll see you tomorrow," right after he said that he felt utterly ridiculous. I'm basically saying 'goodnight' to a xenomorph, I've gone mad, he thought to himself as he left her for the night.

The next day she awoke to find an old man looking right at her not two feet from her, his voice was deep, commanding and trusting but his scent betrayed his true malicious nature. She then knew what he wanted from her, in her past she had been subject to a genetic engineering experiment at the direct order of a man called Karl Bishop Weyland, oh yes, she remembered that name well after what they did to her. And now he was standing right in front of her, a burning instinct swarmed her being to lunge forward and tear him to pieces. However she couldn't move so her effort was wasted, Karl then said in a deeply commanding voice, "I hope you know that what we did was for the good of your species and for the good of the human race, and, as much as it 'pains me' to do it. It was all for the greater good."

His words confused her as she didn't understand what he meant by for the good of her own species, furthermore that he was referring to a thing called 'human' as themselves. Then she realised this race of creatures was called the human race and suddenly many statements she heard from the humans made a lot more sense, it also opened a few mental doors as to why they hated her.

Later that day her human friend from yesterday popped back to see her, he held himself very well in her company unlike so many other humans who had interactions with her. He intended to tell her some more about him so he gathered himself and told her calmly "My name is Arran; I am a medical examiner from the local colony." He waited for her reaction but got nothing except a slight tilt of her head as if to say 'what the hell does that mean?' He felt embarrassed so he shut up and continued his examination of her checking she was healthy and unharmed, well for the most part. Arran wasn't entirely sure why but for each experimental scar he found he grew slightly more angry, it was as if he felt some kind of strange connection to this xeno. Dismissing it as 'nothing' he wrapped up the examination part of his visit.

She wondered about his statement, what was an Arran? What was a medical examiner? Where was this colony? So many questions plagued her mind and yet she could not get an answer, and then she felt something strange coming from between her thin bony legs. It was an alien sensation to her and as she looked down she could see that her new 'friend' was sticking a clear glass tube up slowly towards her thin black slit. Another thing that bothered her was that her natural passed down memories never showed or hinted at sexual reproduction and only that the Queen's eggs could continue the species so why did she have sexual organs? That concept confused her, but the sensation of her alien slit being stimulated was overpoweringly arousing and caused her to break her thought.

Leaking a clear viscous fluid into and around the tube as a result of her arousal thoroughly annoyed her. This thought manifested in her anger towards him and so she hissed at him loudly and angrily, he immediately retracted the now half full tube and proceeded to put a small glass lid on it and franticly remove himself from her holding cell.

By the late evening she had calmed down and Arran felt it was safe to re-enter her chamber, he approached her slowly and nervously. She was not too pleased with him as demonstrated by the way she tracked his every movement. Then he said sounding terrified but with a resilient hope, "Please… Please don't hate me...I…I was only doing my job. Look, I know it was wrong, intrusive, and nasty. But I just want you to know, I'm sorry." Acknowledging his submissive tone she let him come closer; he sat down beside her just in front of her large jaw. He explained to her why he did it, "You are a one of a kind experiment, and your genetic material is the only known code where Xenos, your kind, have sexual organs. I was called in as your medical overseer, that's all I know and that is why I did what I did. I was the only person who could calm you down long enough to get a sample, I'm sorry once again for that."

His genuine scent and body language tells of someone telling the honest truth while giving her an explanation made her feel at ease again. She breathed a sigh of relief and let out a low tone purring like she had done when he had put his hand on her head, so he stood up right in front of her and slowly, nervously rested his hands on each side of her head. Caressing her sensually as he had done before his breathing began relaxing and his vigorous heart rate started slowing. To this she responded by curling her somewhat free tail around the two of them holding them in a comforting embrace.

She then thought back to before he came into her life and the endless torment, discomfort and loneliness but now she had a glimmer of hope that she had an ally in this cruel existence. At that thought she fell into a deep sleep and would not wake until the next day when her life would change forever…

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