You Worked For Hydra

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When we landed I was greeted with a punch to the face. Followed by a few body blows and the next thing I knew, I was on my back with a fiery-red head sitting on my chest. Her eyes were almost black and she had a thin scar running down the left side of her face.

"You better have a good excuse," She said, quietly and pressed a big knife against my throat, "Just when I thought my girl would be happy, you do something and now she is gone,"

"That was good to see," Tony said, "But who are you?"

The girl's eyes flashed red, "None of your concern. I'm here for him. No one else,"

"Did he get you pregnant?"

She scoffed, "I'd never go near this thing even if my life depended on it. He isn't my type,"

"Right. I'm going to need you to get off him though,"

The girl pressed the knife harder against my neck as she got to her feet and she slid it back into the sheath on her thigh. Steve helped me to my feet and I cleared my throat.

She was much smaller than I had thought but I knew who she was. The way she fought and presented herself was a giveaway.

"Hydra," I said and her eyes went even darker if that was possible, "You worked for Hydra,"

"Never worked for them. I was a slave,"

"Blue talked about you all the time,"

"You don't get to say her name. The last time I spoke to her, she was crying and that bitch doesn't cry,"

"You must be Dizzy," Steve said, "I'm-"

"The Captain who is surprisingly good at sex. Yes. I know who you are and shit, I even know your kinks,"

"Right," Steve said with a bright red face, "Let's forget that,"

"Whatever," Dizzy scoffed, "One of you better tell me why you let her get taken,"

"How did you get here so fast?" Nat asked.

Dizzy looked over at Nat, "She is more my type,"

"I'm honoured," Nat smirked, "But I asked you a question,"

"Blue wasn't the only one who was experimented on. I just didn't tell her so she didn't feel guilty about what they did to me," Dizzy shrugged, "If you tell her that I showed my face, then I will kill everyone in your little team. You won't even know that I'm behind you,"

"I like her," Wanda said.

"I know who took her and chances are, they won't give her up without a fight," Dizzy said, "He's been obsessed with her since the moment he laid eyes on her. He got in with Hydra for more power but it's got to his head and he won't take no for an answer. I don't think he will hurt her but he's a loose cannon and no one knows what goes on in his head. Blue won't hurt him. But I will,"

"Why? Why won't she hurt him?" I asked.

"He saved us from the streets and kept Hydra away from us," Dizzy shrugged, "She might not want to kill him but I will cut him into pieces. He isn't right in the head,"

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