Thanks But No Thanks

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We were sitting in the living space, talking about the upcoming party and there was a loud scream. I sipped my drink as everyone jumped to their feet expecting a fight but in came Blue with fire behind her eyes and she headed for Tony, who backed up.

"What the fuck is this?" She said shoving the box at him.

"It's a dress," Tony said, "For tonight's party,"

"I'm not going,"

"Yes, you are,"

"No, I'm not,"

"I'm not going to argue with you about this," He sighed.

"Even if I did go, which I won't, there is no chance you will get me into a dress," Blue said, prodding his chest, "Thanks, but no thanks,"

"There might be a possible Hydra member making his appearance,"

"Then why the hell didn't you say so?" She said taking the dress back, "Beautiful dress. Probably picked it to match my eyes. Cheers, old man,"

Everyone remained silent as she skipped out of the room, humming that annoying tune again.

"Someone please tell me what just happened?" Loki said, "I have never seen a mood change so quickly,"

"I have," Thor said under his breath.

"She has an issue with Hydra," Steve said, "Earlier we caught her in a flashback. She was clearly scared but when I asked when they took her, she became angry and kicked us out,"

"Her past isn't our business," I said, "We use her to steal what we need and she can leave. That was the deal,"

"It was," Tony said, "But I would like to know who she is and how she became enhanced,"

"Hydra took her and injected her with the serum Steve and I had?" I said, "That is the most likely scenario,"

"Why are you suddenly protective over her?" Nat asked, "She kicked your ass,"

Oh shit. They know. I fucked her and they know.

"Hydra," I said quickly, "If she has flashbacks then obviously it has something to do with Hydra. I understand her pain,"

"You didn't see her," Steve said, "It reminded me of Bucky when he was having night terrors,"

"She might be feeling lonely," Wanda said, quietly.

"Even if she is, she won't let us in," Nat sighed, "At least she will be able to help at the party tonight,"

Tony chuckled, "I lied. There isn't a possible Hydra member showing up,"

"When she finds out you lied to her, she is going to kick your ass. And I can't wait for that to happen," Nat said.

There was a reason why I didn't like social gatherings with strangers. The music was always too loud and alcohol made people brave. I didn't feel comfortable with strangers talking to me or touching me. I especially didn't like it when women grabbed my metal arm and swooned.

I bet it feels great around the throat

I want those metal fingers inside me

I always shivered in disgust and walked away. They were too desperate for me. Obviously, my metal hand around throats during sex felt great and I never had any complaints but that wasn't the point. I didn't want that sort of conversation with someone.

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