You Should Have Squashed It

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The air was crisp as I walked the streets of New York. I had snuck out at sunrise after hacking into Tony's security system so I could get some fresh air. It was suffocating being in that building and every time I moved, someone was watching me. Bucky's eyes never left me and it was starting to annoy me.

People passed me without another look but I made sure I kept my hood over my head just in case. I didn't trust many people and the ones I did trust were back in London. I missed my home but never got the chance to go there often enough. My friends had escaped Hydra at the same time as me but they weren't experimented on. That I knew of. Either way, they got off lighter than me and always blamed themselves.

I was born enhanced. Don't know how and don't know why. But I also didn't want to find out why. If my parents didn't know then I wouldn't find out.

I heard a noise from the side of a building and heard someone muttering, clearly in pain. I walked towards the noise and found a kid in a Spider-Man costume, bleeding.

"Hey, Spidey,"

He cursed and pulled the mask over his face.

"Stop. I know who you are. Tony doesn't stop talking about you,"

He looked up at me, "Who are you?"

"Doesn't matter," I said pulling him to his feet and I patted his head, "Get yourself home,"

"Thanks...I guess," He said.

I tilted my head, "Did you need help stitching your wounds?"

He glanced down at the cut across his chest, "I...yeah. I can't go back to Tony looking like this,"

"Do you trust me enough to help you?"

"I have good senses," He took his mask off, "And if you name Tony by his first name, then I think I can. Either way, if you try anything I'll just kick your ass,"

I smiled slightly, "Do you have anything to change into? I have an apartment a few blocks from here?"

Peter sat as calmly as he could as I pierced his skin with the needle, quickly stitching him up. I didn't say anything to him because I wanted to concentrate. I wouldn't want him getting any unwanted scars. He had told me that his girlfriend would kick his ass if he wasn't being careful.

"All done," I muttered, wiping the skin clean of blood, "I have a shirt that will fit you,"

"Thank you," He winced, shifting on his seat, "You're surprisingly good. Are you a doctor or nurse?"

"Not really," I said, tossing the dirty gloves in the bin, "Own battle wounds or friends. Nothing too serious,"

"Right," Peter said and I left him alone to find him something to wear.

"They should fit you," I said handing him a shirt and trousers.

"Are they your boyfriends?"

"No chance," I laughed, "When my friends come here, they leave clothes here. They probably forgot they were here. Keep them. I don't want them back. The bathroom is through there,"

"Blue, thanks," Peter smiled and closed the bathroom door.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I tutted seeing who the message was from.

The Hero And The Thief [[Bucky Barnes]]Where stories live. Discover now