Daddy is Hot

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The Avengers had now taken over the main room, and the piles of bodies leading up to the room just showed how pissed Bucky was. He was fighting his inner demon and I wanted to hold his hand but they were in fists. Better not get myself even more burnt. Bucky was on edge and my smart mouth could cause more damage than good. So, I let him stomp his way to the group and pressed my lips together, pretending they were sewn shut. 

"I  know I'm a muff muncher," Dizzy said to me, "But even I can admit that daddy is hot when he is mad,"

I choked on my laugh and Bucky looked over his shoulder, glaring at us both, "I didn't say anything,"

"Good to see you in one piece kid," Tony said as we reached him, "Aiden isn't talking and no one has the patience right now. I'd rather you talk to him than Metal Man,"

Bucky scoffed, "I doubt she could get him to talk. It's pointless,"

"Ok, Daddy. Calm down," I said, "Why are you so butt hurt?"

"You fucking left,"

"Can you blame me?" I send him a sweet smile, "We can talk then fuck later. I need to deal with this big mess,"

Aiden chuckled as I walked over to him. Someone had landed a great hit to the face and his left eye was swollen and his lip was split. He was tied to a chair and Scar was nowhere to be seen. I might as well use that to my advantage.

"Why, Aiden?" I asked.

"Is that all you wanted to ask, mi amore?"

"For now,"

Aiden chuckled, blood dribbling down his chin, "You were always mine. You know deep down that we were made for each other. You were saved by me and should have stayed to show your gratitude,"

"I've done enough of that," I said, "You sold me off to the highest bidder and yet you still claimed to love me. You don't do that to someone you love. You treated your fucking wife better than me but I realised that I didn't want that life. I told you that and you said and I quote 'I release you from my hold'. Get a fucking grip, Aiden. What changed?"

Aiden still smiled, "I could never control you and that made me want you more. Still want you. I want you back, Blue. I'd burn the fucking world down to have my hands on you again. I did what I had to,"

"You're so delusional," Dizzy said with a scoff, "I think you're lucky she hasn't killed you yet because damn, I want to kill you,"

"Blue could never harm me. She has proved that over and over again,"

"Why the fuck did you kidnap me? Again?!" I threw my hands in the air, "I don't know what else I can say or do to show you that I don't want you! I don't love you, Aiden. Why can't you just accept that?"


I looked over my shoulder to see Scar walking towards me, "What do you mean?"

"He's been working for Hydra since he 'saved' you from the streets," Scar said, "He was taken a few years before you were. I say taken lightly because his dad sold him off. A man with his riches was needed. Aiden was used and when you appeared, his attention was always on you. He wanted to protect you from the experiments that they subjected you to. Unfortunately, they saw you as a weakness. They wiped him. Everything. His memories were gone and couldn't come back,"

"My mind was wiped. I remembered," Bucky said.

"That was back then," Scar said, "I've been trying for years to bring Aiden back to the mind he used to have but it hasn't worked. The only thing he seems to remember is the want to protect Blue. It's just a shame that it was turned into an unhealthy obsession,"

"And you didn't think to tell me?"

"There was never a right time. You always reacted badly when Hydra was mentioned,"

"For good reason," Bucky said.

"So...why is he acting like this now?" I asked, "He has had years to act and he hasn't,"

"I can't tell you that," Scar sighed, "He's been acting strange since Billy died,"

"Does this mean you worked for Hydra?" Tony asked.

"No. I worked for Aiden. Billy was helping me trying to get Aiden back but it never worked. Still hasn't worked,"

"This is all a big fabrication to get your new friends to kill me, mi amore," Aiden laughed, "Do you think I'd work for them after all they did to you?"

"Shit, I don't know what to believe anymore," I said, "This has become a big ole shit storm with extra sweetcorn sprinkles,"

"Ok, that is fucking disgusting," 

"What is wrong with you?"

"Why would you even explain it like that?!"

"What now?" I asked, looking at Tony, "What do we do now?"

"We were going to ask you the same thing," Nat said, "I know you didn't want to kill him even though you said you would. We don't want to kill, I want to kill him but won't because we wanted to talk to you first,"

I looked at Bucky who was studying me, "What do you think I should do?"

"That is up to you, Doll," He said, softly, "No one is going to force you into anything. Make a decision,"

I held my hand out to him, "Gun. Can I have a gun, please?"

Bucky handed me one without hesitation and I walked over to Aiden who lost his smile. I pointed it at him and lowered it slightly.

"You have to know something," I said, quietly, "I'm doing this for your own good. It was you who got Billy murdered. It was you who turned my location over to the authorities and made me vanish for months. It was you who made Bucky feel like I abandoned him and that I didn't love him. Everything that went wrong was your fault,"

"Then shoot me, mi amore," Aiden said, "But we all know you don't have the guts to kill me. I might have worked for Hydra but I still-"

His words were cut off with a loud bang from the gun. I lowered my arm and stared at Aiden. His eyes were wide and for once, full of fear.

"Count yourself lucky I don't have the guts to kill you," I whispered, "But you'll wish I did kill you the moment you step foot on the Raft,"

I handed the gun back to Bucky and he frowned at me. I cleared my throat and turned to Tony.

"I need a tight snatch and a cock sucking cowboy,"

"What...I'm sorry?"

Nat laughed, "And I need liquid Viagra,"

"Oh!" Wanda said, "I want sex on my face!"

"I'm so confused and slightly disturbed," Tony said.

A hand rested on my shoulder and I looked up at Bucky, "I could so with a blow-job,"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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