Don't Call Me Daddy

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Blue had her headphones in when I walked into the gym and I nodded at her when she looked at me. Her blue eyes showed no emotion and she carried on skipping, the leather rope smacking the floor fast and hard. I could barely see the rope and it was interesting to see.

I wrapped my flesh hand and headed to the punch bag. Not because I wanted to hit things but because I had a great view. God damn it. Blue had buried herself into my brain and even though she pissed me off, I wanted to get to know her. It was hard because she was avoiding everyone. No one could get near or talk to her before she walked away.

Ever since Tony mentioned running tests on her, that was it. She watched a few movies with the girls and Spidey-boy and nothing. It was as if she turned her emotions off and avoided us because there was no trust.

I looked up at her as I hit the bag and couldn't help but admire her. Despite who she was and what she did, she truly was beautiful. She wasn't stick thin and was toned. I could still remember how her skin felt under my hands and how hypnotic her screams of pleasure were.

"Fuck," I muttered and hit the bag harder, "Stop thinking,"

"Please do," Blue said, appearing by my side, "I may not be able to read minds, but I can certainly read looks. Thinking about our night together, were we?"

"Nope," I lied and she smirked, "Maybe a little bit,"

"Do you regret it?" She asked, tilting her head, "Now that you know who you fucked, do you regret it?"

I shook my head, "No. I thought I did at the beginning but I don't regret it,"

"Good," She said, patting my chest, "I wouldn't want you to regret screwing the enemy,"

"No one thinks you are the enemy, Blue," I said and she sighed, "Tony wants to know how you came into your powers or enhancements. He doesn't want to strap you to a machine and hurt you,"

"I don't want him to run tests on me," She said, "How do I know he won't use it against me?"

"When I first came here, I didn't trust anyone," I said, "I hated what I did. Steve stood by me even though I did some nasty things. You need a friend to support you and I know that nothing he finds or does will be used against you"

"It's nice that you think that, but I still don't trust him,"

"You don't have to," I said, "But can you trust me?"

"Why would I trust you?"

"Because I know what you went through. Wanda as well," I said.

Blue chewed her lower lip and looked at the floor, "Do you promise?"

"What do you mean?"

She looked up at me, a slight sparkle of sadness in her eyes, "Promise that he won't hurt me or use it against me?"

"I do,"

"He might find things out that I didn't want anyone to find," She said quietly.

"There's nothing he will be shocked by," I said, "We have all done things we regret and no one will judge you for it,"

"Ok," She said, letting out a shaky breath, "I'll do it but on one condition,"

"Which is?"

"You have to be there for every test he does and every result he finds," She said, "Do we have a deal?"

The Hero And The Thief [[Bucky Barnes]]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ