You Did That On Purpose

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I smirked at seeing how angry Bucky was at the note I had left him. Even through the sniper scope, I could read his lips perfectly.


I'm going to fucking kill her.

That bitch doesn't know what is going to fucking hit her.

I couldn't help but laugh. I was a ghost. Not even a super soldier knew who I was. I had planned everything so well. Worked in a shitty bar for 6 months, and get hired by Tony for his ridiculous parties and get everyone to like and trust me. Then, I steal what I was paid to steal.

It was surprisingly easy considering the depth of his security.

I pulled my binoculars out and watched Steve and Bucky leave the apartment building. I knew that Bucky was still cussing me out because everyone was moving out of his way. I shrugged and packed my things away.

I frowned.

Well, I suppose not everything went to plan. I wasn't expecting Bucky to walk me home nor did I expect him to fuck me. I couldn't complain. He was a great fuck. Better than I had ever had and the way he called me good girl made me shiver.

"Meh," I said, and headed down to the bottom of the apartment block. My hood was up and I made sure that no cameras could see my face. Not that it mattered. The team knew what I looked like now. But it was amazing what contact lenses and a wig can do. I was a professional and I knew how to disappear. It was how I got the nickname Ghost.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and looked at the caller ID, "You have reached the tight snatch hotline, how may I be of service?"

"Why do you answer your phone like that?"

"We are unavailable for anal and foot fetishes for the foreseeable future. If this is what you are after, then please hang up the phone and get a fucking life,"

"Blue, really?"

"I can't help it. What can I do for you, my silly moo?" I asked, walking towards one of my many cars scattered around the city. I dropped my things into the back and slid behind the wheel. I had my windows tinted so I was able to sit my hood down.

"Rumour has it the Avengers aren't happy,"

"Rumours travel faster than a fart,"

"Yes and now they are after you. What did you steal from them?"

"Nothing much. Not that it matters because it is no longer in my hands. I've been paid and that is the end of that,"

"I wouldn't get too ahead of yourself, Blue. They have every agent around looking for you. They have your face spread across their contacts. You need to be careful and not let them catch you. I can only help you so much,"

"Thank's for the concern but they are chasing a ghost,"

"They know what you look like. They won't let this slip, Blue,"

I sighed, "You're right. I could probably come home for a while. Is my room still empty or do you have yet another lodger?"

"It's empty. No one steps for in there since that incident. Security has doubled and no one knows this location,"

"I need to get another passport and I'll head there. Don't wait up,"

"I won't. What time is it in New York?"

"Just after 1,"

"I need to head to the gym. I don't want to leave it too late because of the gym dicks that make their appearance,"

I chuckled, "I have my flight booked already so I will probably land around 3 in the morning. Tell Ryan to have a car at the airport for me,"

"Already on it," She sighed, "Just be careful. I'd rather you get to me in one piece. London isn't the same without you,"

The airport was busy and I had made it through the security gates with no issue. I managed to get comfy at the back of the plane, near an elderly couple. I closed my eyes and rested my head back on the chair, as the staff began their usual routine of safety announcements. I travelled all the time so I had learnt their routine by heart.

And I thought being a bartender was repetitive.

"Good afternoon," The pilot said, "This is your captain speaking. Unfortunately, we are going to be slightly delayed. There has been an issue and we will be sitting here until I am told otherwise. I apologise for the delay and I hope to be in the air shortly. Any food and drinks you order, while we are idle, are on the house. Thank you for flying with us,"

I peeked over the top of the chair in front of me and saw Steve Rogers step onto the plane.

"Fuck," I cursed quietly and I apologised quietly as I stepped over the couple in the seats next to me. There was some commotion but probably because Captain America had boarded the plane. No one had to know he was after me.

I stepped behind the curtain at the back of the plane and watched carefully as he looked at every passenger. Behind him, a moody-looking Bucky was following. There was no chance in hell I was going to fly to London at this rate. I pulled my phone out and send a message to my friend, telling her that I was caught up and wouldn't be home for a while.

I had to think quickly or I'd be thrown into the back of a police van.

The back door to the plane was shut and I knew they were getting closer to me. It was now or never.

I pushed the handle down and shoved the door open, to see the set of stairs behind driven away.


"Fuck, indeed,"

My heart leapt into my throat and I saw Steve and Bucky staring at me.

"Cat got your tongue?" Steve asked, "You need to come with us,"

"I think I will decline your offer," I said, "I'm not really into threesomes,"

"You don't have...what?" Steve said, "No! I'm not offering that! I'm saying that you have to come with us because you are a criminal and-"

"I'm busy," I said looking at the stairs getting further away, "Pleasure chatting with you but I have stairs to catch,"

"NO!" Bucky yelled as I launched myself off the plane. I grunted as my stomach hit the edge of the stairs but I pulled myself up just to see Bucky launch himself at me. I yelped as his foot crashed into my stomach and I tumbled down the stairs, hitting my head on the tarmac.

I groaned in pain and blinked away my double vision, "You did that on purpose,"

Bucky grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me to my feet, "Your stomach happened to be in the way of my foot,"

"I saw the gleam in your eyes," I smirked, "I didn't know you were into rough play, Sergeant,"

Bucky's eyes went wide and I felt the grip on my shirt loosen.


I took the opportunity to fight and he cursed as I elbowed him in the face. He may have been the Winter Solider but I was better. He had too many emotions when he fought and I was desperate to get away from him.

Bucky lifted his hand to his nose and checked to see if he was bleeding.

"Alright," He said, calmly, "If that is how you want to play. I can play,"

I smirked, "Bring it on, Sergeant,"


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