See You At Dinner

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"Well, smack my ass and call me daddy," I said, putting my hands on my hips, "I wasn't expecting that,"

Behind me, I could hear Bucky and the others choking on their breath. I stared at the photo that Tony had shown me and I picked it up, taking a seat.

"How much are you going to pay me?" I asked and Tony sighed, "You are asking for my assistance, so I want to be paid. My starting rate is a little pricy but I would think you would be able to afford me,"

"What if I tell you that instead of money, you get freedom?"

"And miss living in that glass cell? Not a chance," I said, "Money. Money. Money,"

Tony rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Blue, I don't have time to negotiate with you. We need this back and you are going to help us,"

"If I say no?"

"You don't have a choice," Steve said as everyone walked around to sit down at the table, "You have two choices,"

"Paris with you and Bucky, or Bucky and Loki?" I asked, and Nat burst into laughter, "Was that not your offer?"

Steve was red in the face, probably from anger and embarrassment, "You go to the raft and never be seen again,"

"Never be seen again," I mocked and rolled my eyes, "Seriously? Do you honestly think a prison could hold me?"

"You've never been to the raft," Bucky said quietly.

I put my hands on my head and rested my feet on the table, "Let's say I agree...what do I get out of this? And don't fucking say freedom,"

"What would you like out of this?" Tony asked, "Money? No one knows your identity?"

"Honey, no one does know my real identity and I plan on keeping it that way," I said, "Money. Yes. Loads of money. But I want to be left alone. By the Avengers and any law enforcement. I have to make a living and I don't want anyone on my back,"

"I can't agree with that," He said, "Money, yes. The Avengers, sure, depending on what you steal but other law enforcement? No? That is out of my jurisdiction,"

"True, true," I said, "How about a place to stay?"


"You have more than enough rooms to fit in little old me. I barely make noise or mess. I am barely home so you wouldn't even notice me,"

Tony groaned and rubbed his face, "I'd rather not have a criminal living with me,"

I laughed, "Everyone sitting around this table is a criminal, Mr Stark. I just choose to be one. Makes like more exciting,"

"Let me think about it,"

"You can't be serious," Bucky said, "You can't let her live under our roof!"

"We might not have a choice," Sam said, "We need her on our side until we get this back. If it falls into Hydra's hands then-"

"I'll help," I said and everyone looked at me, "If you want it back, then I will get it back. Hydra won't get it and if they do, they won't be able to use it,"

"That was a quick decision after hearing the word Hydra," Nat said.

"Hydra are a piece of shit who use and kill people for their benefit. I might be a thief but I do have some morals...occasionally," I shrugged.

"I need to know your name," Tony said.

"I need to know how big your penis is,"

"What? I'm not telling you that!"

"And I'm not telling you my name," I smiled, sweetly at him, "My name is Blue and I will be referred to as Blue. Now, where is my room?"

There was a loud banging on my door and I opened it to see a very pissed-off Bucky. He shoved me inside and slammed the door.

"What the fuck are you playing at?" He hissed.

"Not sure what you mean," I said, "Considering that you were the one to kidnap me. I would have been back home in London away from this mess. You were the ones to track me down and bring me back here. I'm not playing anything,"

"Why the hell did you agree to help?"

"That isn't any of your business," I said, "Now if you don't mind, I would like to get dressed,"

"Dressed? What are-holy shit," He said, finally looking me up and down, "Why did you let me in if you were only standing in underwear?"

I smiled and patted his chest, "One, I'm confident with my body and self, two, I didn't let you in. You pushed your way in. Now, you are more than welcome to stand there and check me out, I don't mind, but I don't think you'd want to outstay your welcome,"

"I-uh, yeah," He said stepping back, his eyes still glued to my boobs, "Yup. Outstay,"

Bucky fumbled around with the door handle and I grabbed him before he managed to escape, I grabbed his shirt, slamming my lips against his kissing him hard. I teased his lips with my tongue and as he went to kiss back, I pushed him away.

"I've been dreaming about kissing you since you fucked me that night," I said, biting into my lower lip and I saw him gulp, "Well, anyway, see you at dinner!"

I slammed the door on his shocked face and laughed when I heard him cussing me out as he walked away from my room.

Bucky had no business in wanting to find out why I hated Hydra so much. No one had to know. I didn't want people to know what I had been through. It was the past and it should stay in the past. It was just a shame that my hatred towards Hydra was burnt into my memory.

I ran my hands through my hair and grabbed my shorts and top. I yanked them on and grabbed my phone, which Tony reluctantly gave back.

"Are you asking me for bail?"

I smiled, "No. I'm telling you that I'm ok and I have a new job. I'm expected to be paid a hell of a lot but I also don't know how long the job will be,"

"I'd ask who is paying you but you won't tell me,"

"Got that right," I chuckled, "I'll tell you once this is over,"

"Be careful, Blue. Don't get too carried away. I don't want anything to happen to you. I want you home and I want you to relax for once,"

"After this job, I might just give it all up," I said quietly, "I'll talk to you when I can. Love you, Silly Moo,"

"Love you too bitch. Be careful,"


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