Chapter Five: Lie Low - or Not

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Every few moments, I looked back to make sure the assassin was not going to chase us. Running with heavy bags carrying everything we could possibly need was difficult, and only a minute later was Denisse panting heavily, trying her best to keep up with my pace.

The meadows seemed endless, and I starting panicking. What if there's no one else around here? How will we survive?

"See anyone?" Denisse asked, her run slowed down to a steady trudge.

I scanned the surroundings. Just fields and some cattle, who were surprisingly calm in the presence of escaping teenagers.

"No one." I replied, shaking my head. "Don't get me wrong, Denisse, we might not be found, but we won't have enough food or......"

"Wifi." Denisse finished my sentence.

We spent about an hour walking randomly, hoping that someone would notice us and take us in. To our disappointment, there were no signs of civilisation.

"We'll find a place, right?" Denisse's voice was unsure.

I don't think I can say yes to that-

A pull in me interrupted my thoughts. It stirred something in me. A connection. It pulled me, and I stumbled slightly, my eyes squinting in a different direction.

"Where are you going, Io?" Denisse questioned, but her tone quickly changed. "What's going on?"


I was immediately drawn to that direction, guided by the strange connection. My walk broke into a run, and I rounded the bend to see the seaside...... and a hotel.

AQUAWAVES RESORT was written in large, blue letters on a signboard on the hotel. I turned back to face Denisse, whose frown broke into a grin.

At last.

The resort turned out to be some in-the-middle-of-nowhere holiday destination because there were no other cities or towns in sight. The lobby was occupied by several exotic-location-loving tourists, having flown by plane, driven for hours, or took a train.

"We'll have to book a room right now, and pray that they won't find us." I informed Denisse as we joined the queue. I decided to put on my sunglasses. Can't risk anyone in here recognising me.

When it was finally our time, we realised what all the hype was about: a $50 weekday package. I grabbed a flyer from a staff member and scanned over the details.

Like the booking of the train tickets, Denisse did the talking while I kept pulling my cap lower, simultaneously trying to not be recognised or look clandestine

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Like the booking of the train tickets, Denisse did the talking while I kept pulling my cap lower, simultaneously trying to not be recognised or look clandestine. From our last booking, we had realised that the users on DEflayte were most likely tracking us through our official registrations, so Denisse had to pull in favours to get us fake passports, credit cards, and identities from supposedly 'trusted' users.

The Eyes of PowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora