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The weeks passed and my and Sebastian's birthdays were soon approaching, as was the end of the school year. Sebastian's birthday was a couple of weeks before mine. My birthday was usually just another day, but I was actually excited to spend it with Sebastian this year.

I initially had absolutely no clue what to get Sebastian for his birthday. He never mentioned wanting anything and it's not like we had much space for things in our rooms, but then an idea struck me and I couldn't get it out of my head. Pulling it off would be quite the task, but I was determined.

Using Imelda's permission, I told Sebastian a white lie and said that I'd be spending the weekend with her. He was initially hesitant after what had happened during my weekend with Morgana, but I assured him that there would be nothing of the sort happening with Imelda. Eventually, though, he gave me his blessing and wished me a good time.

What he didn't know was that I was actually going to the oceanside to look at summer homes. While Sebastian and I had to stay at Hogwarts during the school year, there was nothing saying we had to during the summer. I packed a small weekend bag and said goodbye to Sebastian. I would miss him, but I reminded myself that it was for a good reason.

During the weekend, I looked at about eight different homes that weren't quite right. They were nice, but they just didn't have that 'wow' factor. It wasn't until the ninth home that I felt any sort of excitement, and then the tenth when I knew I'd found what I was looking for.

The tenth home was a wonderful cottage with big windows and tons of character. It had three bedrooms and a clawfoot tub in the main bathroom. We could have our bedroom, a guest room, and then do whatever we wanted with the third room. The possibilities flooded my mind as I explored the house. It was only one story, but it did have a little loft that would be perfect for a cozy reading area. I imagined tons of pillows and blankets filling the area. I knew right away that this was the place for us.

It was an easy process to actually buy the cottage. The previous owners had passed away and their son was the one selling it. He just wanted it off of his hands. We went to Gringotts to transfer the money and sign the contract and, just like that, I was the owner of an actual home.

I returned to Hogwarts feeling buzzed and excited. I wasn't sure how I'd be able to keep it a secret until Sebastian's birthday, but I was determined to do so to make it the best surprise. After dropping my bag off in my room, I went looking for Sebastian. He wasn't in any of his usual places, so I assumed he was in Hogsmeade. Professor Onai verified this for me when I passed her in the hall.

I enjoyed the nice spring weather as I walked to Hogsmeade. Everything felt fresh and new and it just elevated my mood even more. I couldn't wait to see Sebastian, who I finally found at The Three Broomsticks.

"Sebastian," I exclaimed, hurrying over to where he was sitting at the bar. "I'm so glad to see you again." I sat next to him and gave him a hug.

"Have fun," he asked, sounding like he'd had a bit to drink.

"I did. It was a nice weekend. How about you?"

"I saw Ominis. He's been staying with a friend and finally felt like coming around."

"That's great! What friend? Anyone we know?"

"Yep," was all he said. I wasn't sure why he was being so short with me.

"You seem off. What's wrong," I asked.

"Don't act like you don't know," he scoffed before standing up and walking away from me. I was utterly confused. I got up and followed him.

"Sebastian, wait! What's going on?" I caught up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, but he just shrugged it off.

"You know very well what's going on, Althea. You lied to me."

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