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I woke up the next day feeling sore but satisfied. I'd gone to bed by myself since I got tired first, leaving Sebastian and Ominis to continue hanging out until who knows how long. I didn't dream at all throughout the night, which I was happy about.

My knees were bruised and my back felt stiff and stung a bit under my shirt. I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and took my shirt off. Red scratches marked me up and down, probably from the cement floor and from the two men handling me so roughly. I smiled at the memories of the previous day. It would take a lot to top the acts they'd done to me.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed before going to knock on Sebastian's door. He didn't answer, so I checked the doorknob to see if it was locked. Unfortunately, it was. I didn't want to invade his privacy by using Alohomora, so I decided to get some breakfast and finally check out the Room of Requirement while I waited for him to wake up.

After grabbing a blueberry muffin, I made my way to the astronomy tower and waited for the door to the room to form. Once it had materialized, I entered and smiled to myself, memories flooding my mind.

Aside from most of the vivariums being gone, things looked the same. I relaxed and quieted my mind before closing my eyes and letting myself think about what I wanted from the room. I could hear things shifting as the room changed. When I opened my eyes again, I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw.

A big desk and filing cabinet had appeared in the middle of the room. They were nicer than the ones I had in my office, so I knew I'd be coming here instead when grading my students' work. The chair behind the desk looked comfortable and plush, like I could sit for hours without hurting.

I took out my wand and changed the paint colors to fit my current style. As a teenager, I'd chosen a light pink and yellow scheme, but now I was feeling darker and more sophisticated. I chose a forest green and bronze trim. After changing the colors, I adjusted the paintings and decorations I had on the walls. It was so much fun and I found myself grinning as I decorated; I'd always loved changing the room as a kid and it was nice to know that that hadn't changed.

I wasn't sure how long I'd spent decorating and conjuring, but by the time I was done, the room looked completely different and much more me. I was admiring my work when I noticed a somewhat hidden door in an alcove that I hadn't paid attention to. Curious, I walked over to it and peeked inside. I gasped when I saw what was inside.

The room was a good size and had an elaborate canopied bed in the center. There were straps attached to the posts at each corner of the bed. On the ceiling was a grid of sorts with chains hanging from it, straps and collars attached to the ends. The walls had restraints of different lengths attached at various locations. I'm sure there were more things I was missing, but it was just so much to take in. The Room of Requirement had sensed my deepest thoughts and created a kind of sex room for me. I knew I'd have to show Sebastian.

Feeling excited, I hurriedly exited the room and made my way back to the faculty tower. Surely Sebastian would be up by now. I knocked on his door until he opened it and then let myself in without being invited. I walked passed him and saw Ominis had stayed over.

"You're both here, good. I have the coolest thing to show you!" I was practically buzzing.

"Hello to you, too," Sebastian laughed.

"What has you so excited," Ominis asked.

"Do you guys know about the Room of Requirement?"

"The what," they asked in unison. I rolled my eyes and hurried through an explanation of what the room was. They didn't initially believe me, but I eventually convinced them that I was telling the truth.

Safe & Sound//Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now