Chapter 37: The Student Meets The Teacher.

Start from the beginning

Ash scratches his head nervously and takes massive gulp. It's honestly amazing to him how Serena can be as sweet as an angel the one minute and the next be as scary as Giritina and Darkrai with a sprinkle of Lavender town included. The way a woman works is still so unusual yet wonderful to the raven haired trainer.

Even though he hates to be scolded for his actions he must admit he does deserve it on this occasion. Thankfully Serena isn't the type of girl to just needlessly scolds him for everything. She only does it when he deserves it and because she cares about him. Although there are times when her patience is a little thinner which is a little confusing.

Shaking off his own thoughts, Ash looks at Serena and says in an apologetic tone "I'm sorry Serena, I'll take more care from now on I promise."

Everyone around the table can't help but laugh, watching Serena treat Ash like a mother with her child. Serena accepts Ash's apology and moves away from him slightly.

In an attempt to change the subject and to avoid any further embarrassment. Serena questions "So what did you guys think of the battles today?"

Kiawe smiles and replies "Everyone of them was filled with fire but I must admit, Ash and Gladion not losing a pokemon was pretty impressive."

Gladion smiles edgily and responds "Thanks Kiawe, I was trying to prove myself to the rest today. I wanted to put the rest of the league on notice."

Mallow raises her eyebrow and questions "Ash, I have a question. Why did you battle how you did today? Switching each match up, it's not something you usually do."

Ash smirks and replies "Simple, I was proving my doubters wrong by showcasing my most unique pokemon."

Lillie frowns slightly and questions "Proving my doubters wrong?"

Ash nods and explains "You know the media, the whole I've given up thing. I've got no passion for battle anymore. There's nothing special about Ash Ketchum anymore and my favourite, I'm a one pokemon trainer. That's why I chose the 3 pokemon I did."

Gladion takes in Ash's cryptic statement and replies "I see, So you used Pikachu to showcase your special z move. Exeggutor for its unique height and Lycanroc for its rare dusk form."

Ash nods and confirms "That's right, they are eye catching so I used them to get the media talking about something other than how I've quit or how I've got no chance now. You hear the term Kalos fraud going around anymore? All the media will talk about now is how good my Pokémon were today."

Everyone at the table feels a hint of empathy at Ash's struggles with the media. Mallow sighs and replies "I see, it must be difficult for you both. All the media pressure and constantly hiding your true feelings. You guys can't even be an open teenage couple because of them. I didn't think being famous could be that difficult."

Serena nods and exclaims "It can be but it's part of our dreams so it's something we need to deal with. Plus all media attention isn't bad, it's done a lot of good too for both of us."

Ash nods and adds "That's right, it's just when something goes bad the negativity can be overwhelming. Especially when your like us and try to always think positive."

Kiawe decides to look on the brighter side of things and teases "It does have its perks though, huh miss VIP?"

Serena shakes her head and modestly admits "I actually would rather watch the battles with you guys. Yes the hospitality is great and I get a great view of the battlefield. Plus I'm easy for Ash to spot. The only real problem is it's a little lonely up there, I miss watching and sharing my experience with friends. If I could sit in the public seats with you guys without getting bombarded with questions and requests then I would."

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