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Magnus let out a low chuckle, thoroughly enjoying the attention he was receiving from the group. He ran his fingers through his long white beard, a sign of wisdom and experience in his culture. "I can see that you haven't heard of me," he said, grinning broadly and revealing his yellow teeth. "That's a shame. But don't worry, I'll make sure you remember my name."

Evangelina, who had been quiet until now, couldn't help but tease the shaman. "Oh, we'll remember your name, alright," she said, rolling her eyes. "Magnus the White, the most powerful, most famous, most intelligent shaman in the whole-whole world" while putting a sarcastic gesture.

Dvalin snorted in amusement, while Tibet barked in agreement. Even Aora couldn't help but smile at Evangelina's witty remark.

Magnus, however, didn't seem fazed. He simply stroked his long white beard and said, "Well, I suppose there's a first time for everything."

Aora took a deep breath and began to explain their situation and the seven tasks they needed to complete to defeat Chaos once and for all. Magnus listened intently, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "I see," he said. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're a bit late. The pot of malice is already in my possession."

"What?!" Aora exclaimed, shocked. "How did you get it?"

Magnus smirked. "Let's just say I have my ways," he said mysteriously. "But don't worry, I'm not going to keep it for myself. I know the stakes are too high for that. I'll give it to you on one condition: you let me join your little group."

The others looked at each other, unsure. They had just met this strange old man, and now he wanted to join their mission. But Aora knew that they didn't have a choice. They needed the pot of malice to complete their task, and if Magnus had it, they had to work with him.

"Alright," Aora said reluctantly. "You can join us."

Magnus nodded. "Of course, of course. But first, let's rest for the night. It's not safe to travel at this hour. I'll make some tea, and we can talk more about our plan."

The group settled down for the night, and Magnus went about his business, preparing a warm brew of tea for everyone. They all sat around a small fire, sipping on the hot tea as they discussed their next course of action.

Magnus had a wealth of knowledge about the land and its inhabitants, which he shared freely with the group. They were impressed with his vast array of skills and expertise, and it became clear that he would be a valuable addition to their team. As the night wore on, the group began to feel a sense of camaraderie with Magnus, despite his initial arrogance. They began to trust him, and it seemed that he had a genuine concern for their mission.

As they sipped on the hot tea, Magnus began to share his own experience with Chaos. He was just a simple shaman, living in secret from the rest of the world, helping people in need when he could. But then Chaos came, corrupting everything in its path. The people he had bonded with and helped had gone mad, hurting each other and even themselves in the process.

He wanted to save the world just as badly as Aora did, to bring everything back to normal. But he couldn't help but feel concerned for the people who had been affected by Chaos. What would happen to them if they managed to seal Chaos? Would they return to their normal selves? Would they even remember this horrible experience?

Magnus also expressed his worry about the magical world being visible now, plain as day. It had been hidden in secrecy before, but the release of Chaos had changed everything. He wondered how the rest of the world would react to this newfound knowledge, and what it would mean for their way of life.

The group listened attentively to Magnus's story, feeling a newfound respect for the old shaman. They realized that they weren't alone in their fight against Chaos and that even someone as powerful as Magnus had been affected by its corruption. Aora thanked Magnus for sharing his story and assured him that they would do everything in their power to seal Chaos and restore the world to its rightful state.

The night went on as the group discussed their plan of action with Magnus. They agreed to work together to seal Chaos, each bringing their own unique skills to the table. And although they knew that the final battle would be difficult and dangerous, they also knew that they had each other to rely on.

Chronicles of Aora: The Cute Little WitchWhere stories live. Discover now