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The group was in the midst of battle when suddenly, Raven appeared, determined to stop the ritual.

"Raven?! What are you doing here?" Aora exclaimed, surprised.

"What do you think? I'm here to end this stupidity," Raven chuckled, snapping her fingers to summon the black giant to fight for her.

As the situation escalated, Ambrosia sprang into action, launching a quick attack on the giant. The two massive creatures began exchanging blows, sending echoes throughout the battlefield. The giant swung its mighty arm towards Ambrosia, but she quickly dodged it and retaliated with a barrage of powerful attacks, striking the giant with all her might. The giant attempted to choke Ambrosia, but she was too swift and agile, easily evading the attack.

Undeterred, Ambrosia launched a counterattack, sinking her venomous fangs deep into the giant's flesh while using all of her strong arms to hold it in place. However, the giant was not so easily defeated. It used its immense strength to try and shake Ambrosia off, but she held on tenaciously, biting and clawing at its face. The two monsters continued their brutal fight, their clashing sounds could be heard from miles away. The fight grew more intense with each passing moment, and both Ambrosia and the giant sustained heavy damage. Ambrosia's sharp spider legs pierced the giant's tough skin, while the giant's fists pounded the ground, creating massive craters.

Despite the danger, Ambrosia was determined to protect her allies and defeat the giant. Her fierce determination and skilled combat prowess gave her the edge in the fight, but the giant was still a formidable opponent. Their great battle continued without disruptions, with neither side willing to back down.

Meanwhile, near the ritual place, Aora and Raven stood off against each other.

"It's been a long time coming, but now it's just between you and me" Raven challenged Aora.

"I don't want to hurt you Raven" Aora said, trying to convince Raven to stand down.

"Oh, no, no, no, Aora. I'm the one doing the hurting," Raven replied, blasting a wave of magic toward Aora.

Aora deflected Raven's magic with a wave of her own, causing the two waves to clash together. The clashing caused a magical explosion that sent both Aora and Raven tumbling to the ground.

"Raven! Stop this madness! Let us fix the world and turned everything back to normal" Aora said, still attempting to reason with Raven.

"Normal? What is normal? I'm not normal, you're not normal. We're not normal. For people like us, living in a 'normal' world means going straight back to living in the shadows. Is there any point in living if we're not even allowed to be alive?" Raven replied, ready to blast another magic wave toward Aora.

"There has got to be another way, Chaos is the very reason humans stop practicing magic. Come back to your sense! We can find another way to live, to be alive" pleaded Aora, persisting in her efforts to reason with her.

"Give it up Aora, we will never see eye to eye" Raven blasted another one of her magic waves towards Aora.

It was too late for Aora to defend herself; the magic wave smashed her into a nearby tree. The impact left her with a throbbing pain in her back as she struggled to stand up.

Despite the pain and the odds against her, Aora refused to give up. She realized that trying to reason with Raven was futile and accepted the reality of the situation. Aora began to fight with all her might, determined to stop Raven. She got back on her feet and resumed exchanging magical waves with Raven. The two powerful sorceresses continued to duel, each trying to gain the upper hand. The magical energies crackled in the air as they clashed, sending shockwaves that shake the whole forest. Aora's mind raced as she tried to think of a way to gain an advantage over Raven. She knew that Raven was a formidable opponent, and defeating her would not be easy. However, Aora refused to give up, and she continued to fight with everything she had.

The duel raged on with ferocity as Aora and Raven clashed. However, Aora noticed something peculiar about Raven - her magic was fueled by the power of Chaos and corruption. As Chaos was being drawn into the pot, Raven's power began to weaken over time. Raven too realized this and quickly attempted to hasten the fight. The only obstacle between her and stopping the ritual was Aora, so Raven focused all of her magical energy on malevolent attacks aimed at Aora.

"Out of my way!" she exclaimed as she continued to blast Aora with a relentless barrage of magical waves.

Aora stood her ground, her eyes fixed on Raven as she deflected each attack with her own magic. She knew that she only had to wait, time is on her side.

"Chaos defeat is near! We just need a few seconds left!" shouted Magnus, as he held the pot firmly.

With each passing moment, the pot drew in more and more of the chaotic energy, causing Raven's attacks to grow weaker and weaker.

With each passing moment, the pot absorbed more and more of the chaotic energy, causing Raven's attacks to weaken. Aora seized the opportunity and summoned all of her strength, charging toward Raven with determination. She unleashed a powerful burst of magic, which knocked Raven off balance. Just as Raven regained her footing, Magnus completed the sealing ritual, completely sealing Chaos. Magnus let out a long sigh, feeling relieved. The corrupted creatures began to transform, restoring themselves to their original forms. Humans who had lost their sanity regained their minds, and the deformed, rabid animals had their bodies fixed. Raven, realizing she had been defeated, vanished into the darkness. 

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