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After the ship resurfaced, Aora and her group bid farewell to Joe Black's crew and welcomed a new addition: Dvalin the dwarf. With his strength and cunning, Dvalin proved to be a valuable asset to their small group. Together, the four of them continued their journey to accomplish the final task: obtaining the pot of malice, the vessel that had kept Chaos sealed for centuries.

The pot of malice was shrouded in secrecy, its origins unknown to all but a select few. Aora's only lead was to return to her hometown and search for clues about the pot's whereabouts. She remembered the last time she had seen it - during the witches' ritual to release Chaos - and knew it was crucial to her mission. With determination in her heart and her companions by her side, Aora set out to uncover the secrets of the mysterious pot of malice.

As they journeyed toward Aora's hometown, they encountered numerous obstacles that hindered their progress. They had to fend off dangerous creatures that had been corrupted by Chaos, growing more frequent as they got closer to their destination. But despite the difficulties, they remained resolute in their mission. Finally, they arrived at the outskirts of Aora's hometown, a small village nestled near the forest. The town lay in ruins, beyond repair, with its inhabitants corrupted by the very essence of Chaos. This was the very place where Chaos was first unleashed, corrupting the minds of people and twisting animals into monstrous creatures. Aora could still smell the lingering sulfur in the air, and the sky was dark and cloudy, filled with corruption. They had to be extremely cautious in their search, knowing they could face another corrupted creature at any moment.

Tibet, being a perceptive dog, sensed that Aora was feeling sad about the state of her hometown. He could see the pain etched on her face as she gazed at the ruins of what used to be a vibrant and bustling town. Wanting to lift her spirits, Tibet wags his tail, trying to cheer her up by nuzzling against her and giving her a gentle lick on the cheek. Aora couldn't help but smile at the affectionate gesture. It was comforting to have Tibet by her side, a loyal companion who always knew how to lift her spirits.

Tibet, being a perceptive dog, sensed that Aora was feeling sad about the state of her hometown. With a wag of his tail, he tried to cheer her up by nuzzling against her and giving her a gentle lick on the cheek. Aora couldn't help but smile at the affectionate gesture. It was comforting to have Tibet by her side, a loyal companion who always knew how to lift her spirits.

The others in the group had also noticed Aora's sadness. Dvalin, being a dwarf of few words, expressed his support by patting her on the back.

Evangelina, the fairy, fluttered around her, trying to find the right words to say. "Don't worry, Aora. We'll find the pot of malice and put an end to Chaos once and for all," she said softly.

Aora was grateful for the encouragement from her companions. She took a deep breath and looked around at the destruction that had befallen her hometown. It was heartbreaking to see the place she had grown up in reduced to rubble because of the corruption. But she knew that she couldn't let her emotions get in the way of their mission. They had to find the pot of malice and put a stop to Chaos before it was too late.

They had to move in silence, dodging all the corrupted creatures, and avoiding conflict. And then when they arrive at the witch's house that used to be Aora's neighbor, they heard a squeaky sound. An old man with a white beard showed up holding the pot of malice

As they traversed through the ruined streets, the group moved in silence, wary of the corrupted creatures that lurked around every corner. They knew any misstep could lead to a deadly confrontation, and they couldn't afford to attract unwanted attention. Finally, they arrived at the witches' house, which used to be Aora's neighborhood. The old, dilapidated building stood before them, its windows shattered, and its roof caved in. They cautiously approached the house, scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, they heard a squeaky sound and an old man with a long white beard emerged from the shadows. His tattered clothes and unkempt appearance gave the impression that he had been living in isolation for a long time. The man looked at them with distrust. The group stared in shock and confusion, unsure of how to react. Was this man an ally or an enemy?

"Who are you?" Aora asked, her voice tense with caution.

"I am Magnus the White, the most powerful, most famous, and most intelligent shaman in the whole world," said the old man confidently.

"Huh? What? Who?" the group asked in succession, clearly taken aback by the man's bold claims.

Chronicles of Aora: The Cute Little WitchWhere stories live. Discover now