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Lightning has always been fascinating. Its bright flashes and loud thunder have captivated people's attention for ages. And now, Aora and Tibet found themselves in the midst of a storm, their first task to catch a bolt of lightning in a bottle.

Aora lifted her gaze towards the dark sky, scanning it for any sign of a lightning bolt. Despite feeling uncertain about how they were going to accomplish this daunting task, she refused to let doubt overwhelm her. This was the price that Ambrosia asked, and she would do whatever it takes to complete the task.

Her determination and unwavering will to succeed burned brightly within her, and Tibet could sense it. The loyal dog let out a bark of encouragement, standing steadfastly by his owner's side. Aora focused her mind on recalling the necessary spell from the book of shadows, she couldn't help but wonder how they would catch such a powerful force of nature in a bottle. But she knew that she had to remain confident and trust in her abilities as a witch. After several moments of intense concentration, Aora's eyes suddenly lit up with understanding. She remembered a spell that would allow them to enhance the bottle's containment abilities, making it possible for them to capture and store the lightning safely.

Feeling a renewed sense of hope and determination, Aora and Tibet set out on their mission to catch the lightning in a bottle. They traveled through the storm to a high mountaintop, where the storm's clouds loomed ominously right above them. As the first flashes of lightning illuminated the sky, Aora chanted the spell with precision and skill, causing the bottle to glow with otherworldly energy. She held the bottle up high, focused on the task at hand, and waited for the perfect moment to capture the lightning bolt.

Aora and Tibet waited for the perfect moment to capture the lightning bolt, the storm raged on around them. The wind howled, rain poured down in sheets, and the lightning strikes grew closer and more frequent. Aora's heart raced with anticipation as she watched for the right moment to strike. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the mountaintop just a few feet away, illuminating the entire area with its blinding light. Aora quickly raised the bottle and chanted the spell, and to her amazement, the bottle absorbed the lightning bolt, glowing brightly as the energy surged within it. Aora used her little hand with every strength she got to contain the lightning so it won't go out and after a few seconds that felt like hours, she succeeded. Tibet barked in excitement, sensing their success.

But as Aora held the bottle, she realized that this was only the beginning of their journey. Six more impossible tasks lay ahead of them, and each one would be just as difficult, if not more so, than the first. Aora and Tibet would need all their strength, courage, and skill to complete the tasks and save the world from chaos. With a deep breath, Aora took her first step forward into the unknown, determined to succeed no matter what, knowing that failure was not an option if she wanted to save the world and fulfill the price asked by Ambrosia.

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