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Aora couldn't stop thinking about the witches next door. She had always heard stories about magic before, but she never met real witches before nor if she knew if they even exist. She wondered if they would show her a glimpse of their magic. Aora couldn't shake the feeling that there was something she was meant to discover, that it would change her life.

The next day, Aora woke up with excitement. She knew that her life was about to take a turn, and she was ready for it. She put on her best dress and then walked over to her neighbor's house hoping she could get to know them. She approached the front door and there was Raven standing on the porch. Raven looked like she was expecting Aora to come.

"Good morning Aora," said Raven smiling

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"Good morning Aora," said Raven smiling.

"I'm glad you come over, would like to join us for breakfast?"

Aora was surprised but delighted. She had never been invited to breakfast by a neighbor before, let alone witches. She nodded eagerly and followed Raven inside. As she walked through the door, she was greeted by the smell of pancakes and bacon, and the sight of the other witches gathered around the kitchen table.

"Welcome, Aora," said the tall woman with a big nose. "I'm jade. Would you like some coffee?"

Aora nodded, and Jade poured her a cup of steaming hot coffee. She took a sip and savored the taste. It was the best coffee she had ever had. As they ate, the witches talked about their lives and experiences. Aora listened intently, fascinated by their stories. They spoke of spells and rituals, of magical creatures and ancient wisdom. Aora realized that these were not ordinary people. They had a special gift, something that set them apart from the rest of the world.

After they finished their breakfast, Raven invited Aora to join them in the living room. She led her to a small table covered with a red cloth decorated with candles and crystal balls.

"We wanted to show you something, Aora" Raven said, gesturing to the table. "We think that you might be interested in it."

Aora looked at the table curiously. On it was a small, leather-bound book. Raven picked it up and handed it to her.

"This is our Book of Shadows" she explained. "It's a collection of spells and incantations that we use in our practice. We want to lend it to you, Aora, as a gift so you can practice your own magic."

Aora's eyes widened in surprise. She couldn't believe that the witches were offering to lend her their Book of Shadows, that she could have magic of her own. Aora wondered what it meant, and why they were giving it to her as she felt a sense of responsibility and honor.

"I-I don't know what to say" Aora stammered. "this is amazing! Thank you so much!"

Raven smiled. "You're welcome, Aora. We know you have potential the moment you set foot in this house and we want to help you explore it."

Aora felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. She knew that she was about to embark on a new path, one that would take her to places she had never been before. She felt a connection with the witches next door, a bond that she couldn't explain. Aora realized that she had found something special, something that she had been searching for all her life.

Chronicles of Aora: The Cute Little WitchWhere stories live. Discover now