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Aora and Tibet cautiously approached the campfire, trying to get a good look at the dwarves as they were afraid that the dwarves might be corrupted by chaos. The dwarves looked like how the mythology had described them, with their short and sturdy bodies along with their majestic beards. There were three dwarves surrounded by the campfire, none of them looked like they were corrupted by chaos.

Suddenly one of them shouted, "Come here you little girl, and bring that dog of yours."

Hesitating, Aora and Tibet walked towards the dwarves slowly. There is not much information from Elias's journal about the dwarves, about how they behave towards strangers. If there is anything that Aora is sure of them is that they are proud creatures that don't take kindly to the people who disrespect them.

One of them raised his eyebrow "my name is Dvalin Bronzebeard, what's yours?"

"My name is Aora, nice to meet you sir" said Aora nervously.

Dvalin looked at Aora and Tibet with a suspicious gaze. "What brings you to these parts?" he asked.

Aora hesitated for a moment before answering. She wasn't sure how much she could trust these dwarves. "We're travelers, looking for a way around the mountains," she said cautiously.

"And what are you doing with that dog? He looked like he is corrupted by chaos" one of the other dwarves asked, eyeing Tibet warily.

"He's my trusted companion, he may looked like he is corrupted but he is not" Aora replied, stroking Tibet's fur to calm him down.

Dvalin looked at Aora with interest. "The mountains, you say?" he said. "Those are dangerous parts, especially for outsiders like you. What business do you have there?"

Aora took a deep breath. She knew she couldn't lie to the dwarves knowing how much of a proud and honorable creature they were. After a moment that felt like forever, she took a deep breath and told them the whole story, about chaos, the witches, Ambrosia, and the seven task. After Aora finished her story, the three dwarves looked at each other in silence.

Finally, Dvalin spoke up "You seem to be on a very important quest, Aora. If what you say is true, then it's our duty to help you. We have our own reasons to oppose chaos, and we won't let it spread any further."

Aora breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for their help. "Thank you, Dvalin. I really appreciate your kindness" she said.

"We'll help you find the secret shop. But you must promise us one thing, if you find any treasures along the way, you'll share them with us" said Dvalin while nodding his head.

Aora's heart swelled with gratitude towards the dwarves. She knew they didn't owe her anything, yet they were willing to help her on her quest.

"Thank you, Dvalin. Your willingness to aid us means more than you know" she said sincerely.

"We accept your condition, and we'll share any treasures we find along the way. But more importantly, we hope to build a lasting friendship with you and your kind" Aora added, hoping to express her appreciation and build a bond with the dwarves.

The Dwarves and Aora have come to an agreement that will benefit both sides, together with a sense of camaraderie they continue the search for the secret shop.

Chronicles of Aora: The Cute Little WitchWhere stories live. Discover now