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The people celebrated the arrival of spring, rejoicing at the end of the endless winter and giving thanks to Malum for his amazing deed. However, Malum's thoughts were clouded by regret and guilt. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had made a terrible mistake that would haunt him for the rest of his life. Malum couldn't ignore the changes taking place within his people, as many of them were now prepared to do anything to obtain the power that had ended the endless winter. They had become obsessed with it.

Malum had not foreseen the extent to which his people would be consumed by their greed for power. His once united tribe had now become divided, with each member fighting for control over the magic that had ended the eternal winter. Malum had always believed that the power he had obtained was for the greater good, but now he saw that it was leading his people down a path of destruction. As his heart broke seeing the condition of his people and the pointless sacrifice of his daughter, he decided to take extreme measures to bring peace back to the land.

Malum summoned a meeting with his people in the village hall and delivered the grave news that he had made the painful decision to seal off both his and their magic, putting an end to all magical practices. The people did not take kindly to this, as they started to riot in the hall. With the riot escalating, Malum's attempts to reason with his people fell on deaf ears. Their anger had reached its boiling point, and they began to attack Malum. Despite his best efforts to defuse the situation, Malum was unable to prevent the violence from spiraling out of control. The people started wreaking havoc on the village hall and surrounding areas. Malum's loyal followers tried to defend him, but they were vastly outnumbered and outmatched. Malum was killed as a result of the violence and his body was left lying in the middle of the village hall. In his dying breath, Malum used the last of his magical power to curse his own people.

Suddenly, darkness engulfed the sky, making the people feel uneasy. The smell of sulfur in the air grew stronger, and many started to feel sick. Soon, the effects of the curse became clear. Those who had been touched by Malum's magic began to lose their minds, consumed by a powerful rage and thirst for power. Not only the people but even the animals were afflicted by the curse. They attacked anyone in their path, tearing apart homes and buildings in their search for something that they couldn't quite grasp. The once peaceful village had descended into chaos. As the madness spread, only those with strong mental fortitude could withstand the curse. The curse lasted for months, and during that time, the people lived in fear and desperation. Many had lost loved ones and homes, as the destruction caused by the curse was immeasurable. The once lush and fertile land had become desolate. Crops withering and dying, while animals got deformed and roamed rabidly. The people name the curse; Chaos.

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