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Aora, Tibet, and Evangelina continued their journey with high spirits. After hearing the story from the spirits, they gained new motivation. They realized that Chaos could be defeated and contained. Now, Aora understood why Ambrosia had asked her to complete the seven tasks; she had to finish them to gain enough power to fix the world. The next task on their list was to acquire the never-ending fruit. This fruit has the ability to restore itself every time a bite is taken. The fruit's tree was rumored to grow at the peak of Mount Kaliandor.

The journey to the peak of Mount Kaliandor was very challenging. They crossed raging rivers, trekked through dense forests, and climbed steep mountains. After days of traveling, they finally reached the foot of Mount Kaliandor. They looked up and saw that the mountain was so high it touched the clouds. Aora knew that they had a long and difficult climb ahead of them, but she was determined to reach the top.

As they began their ascent, Evangelina started to get tired. The height was taking a toll on her little wings, and she was having a hard time keeping up with Aora and Tibet. But Aora encouraged her and told her to keep going, and eventually, they all made it to the top of the mountain. There, they found the never-ending fruit tree, with its branches heavy with fruit that looked so delicious they could almost taste it. But as they approached the tree, they noticed that it was guarded by a pack of monkeys.

The monkeys were not ordinary; they were really big and nasty-looking. However, despite their mean appearance, none of the monkeys seemed to be corrupted by Chaos. Aora thought to herself that maybe she could reason with them.

"Can you talk to monkeys?" asked Aora to Evangelina.

"Huh? What makes you think I can talk to monkeys? Is it because I'm a fairy!? That's racist!" Evangelina replied.

"Um, what? I don't want to be racist. Just wondering" Aora said with an apologetic tone.

"Fine, fine, I'll try talking to them" Evangelina said as she flew towards the monkeys.

After conversing with the monkeys for a while, Evangelina asked if they could take one of the never-ending fruits from the tree. As Aora and Tibet watched Evangelina, a huge, bulky monkey emerged from the pack, 

Chronicles of Aora: The Cute Little WitchWhere stories live. Discover now