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During this dark time, several brave people stood up against chaos. They banded together and created a coven full of witches and shamans, trying to find a way to stop chaos from destroying the world. However, no matter how many people gathered, they still couldn't stop Chaos. A desperate time calls for desperate measures. Humans knew that they couldn't stop chaos by themselves. They reached out to every creature they could find, from monsters to spirits and everything in between, forming alliances with beings of all shapes and sizes. Together, they fought against the forces of chaos, determined to protect their world at any cost.

The battles against Chaos were long and grueling, but the combined forces of humans and their newfound allies proved effective. They discovered that the source of the curse lay in Malum's magic, and the only way to break the curse was to contain it by somehow attracting Chaos and sealing it inside the pot of malice. The pot of malice is a cursed artifact with an unknown origin; no one knows who made it or where it came from. The only is known that the pot of malice is a part of the seven tasks written in the Book of Shadows, a task which was impossible to be completed by mortals. Nevertheless, the alliance, with their best effort, completed a series of tasks that gave them enough power to contain Chaos.

The alliance created a plan to lure Chaos. The plan was risky, but they had no other choice. They set their trap, and after a long and intense battle, they were able to seal it inside the pot of malice. As Chaos was sealed inside the pot of malice, the world felt a sense of relief. The curse that had plagued them for so long was finally broken. However, the alliance knew that they couldn't let their guard down. They knew that there was always a possibility of Chaos escaping its containment. So, they placed the pot of malice in a secure location and guarded it with all their might.

The world slowly began to heal, and the people started to rebuild what was destroyed. However, the scarred memory of Chaos remained. The people decided that they were better off without magic. They decided to cut off their relationship with all the magical creatures of the world and move on. However, there were still some of them who practiced magic in hiding, waiting for the perfect moment to resurface.... 

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