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The time to face Chaos was drawing near, and the group had completed five tasks already. Only two more remained before they could confront Chaos directly. The sixth task, however, proved to be a daunting challenge - they needed to obtain the water elemental's blessing, something that seemed almost impossible. Aora searched through Elias's journal for any clues but found only minimal information about the sea creature and the elemental. With no clear path forward, Aora and the group decided to journey to the ancient library located in Muniarch, a long-forgotten city. Perhaps there, they could find the knowledge they needed to complete their quest.

Upon arriving in the city, the group was greeted with a grim sight - destruction, and chaos everywhere they looked. The influence of Chaos had corrupted the locals, leaving no stone unturned. They proceeded with the utmost caution, their senses heightened for any potential danger. Suddenly, they noticed movement in the distance, causing them to tense up in anticipation. However, to their relief, it turned out to be Dvalin the dwarf who had helped them find the gem of vision in the Mountains of Hjall.

"Lassie, what brings you here? And what's your business with that shiny fly?" asked Dvalin excitedly, as he affectionately stroked Tibet's fur.

"What??!?!? Who are you calling shiny fly???" asked Evangelina angrily.

Aora stepped forward to calm Evangelina down. "It's alright, Eva. Dvalin was just teasing," she said, a reassuring smile on her lips.

Dvalin chuckled and rubbed Tibet's fur playfully. "My apologies, little miss. I didn't mean to cause any offense" he said, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Aora then explained their current predicament to Dvalin, and how they needed to obtain the water elemental's blessing to complete the sixth task. Dvalin stroked his beard, deep in thought.

"Well, I may not have all the answers you seek, but I do know a thing or two about elementals. I happen to know someone who specializes in dealing with these types of creatures" he said.

The group's interest was piqued at the mention of someone who could help them. "Would you be willing to take us to see him?" Aora asked.

Dvalin nodded with a grin, but added, "Of course, lassie, but not for free."

Aora rolled her eyes, knowing Dvalin's love of gold. She pulled out a gold coin from her pocket and handed it to him. After the transaction was complete, the group set off to meet the man that Dvalin knew.

As they walked, Dvalin regaled the group with stories of his past adventures, filling the air with laughter and excitement. Eventually, they arrived at the small village of Edelweiss, and Dvalin led them to a small hut at the edge of the village.

"This is the place," Dvalin said, motioning towards the hut. "But be warned, my friend is not the friendliest of fellows."

The group exchanged a nervous look before Aora took a deep breath and knocked on the door....

Chronicles of Aora: The Cute Little WitchWhere stories live. Discover now