"okay okay bye bridget!"

With that bridget hung up and sent estella everything like she said she would. Once she turned back around eveyone waited eager for what her next words would be.

"I GOT THE PART!!" She said excitedly

"part? for what did you audition for something?" ivy asks

"well basically this book is being turned into a show and they want me to play one of the main characters."

"that's great baby!!" jack cheers getting up to hug his girlfriend.

"yeah nice hollywood" trevor dabs her up.

"my future sister in law is on tv!!" luke laughs.

"congrats estella" cole adds

"so proud of you stel" erika cheers.

Everyone gives her a congratulations all but ivy. She thought it was most definitely werid but ignored it.

Jack pulled her aside into the kitchen so they could talk about it.

"i'm so so happy for you baby"

"thank you hughes"

"no seriously you desvere this"

"your the sweetest babe i love you so much"

"i love you more"

The two hug and giggle laughing around in the kitchen.

Estella decides to put on "enchanted" by taylor swift and the two dance like no one is even watching a movie. The couple giggle and they both end up falling to ground out of laughter. They were like two little kids completely in love. They sit there for a little bit and eventually get up because estella wanted to tell her mom.


Jack and her walked hand in hand out to their moms who were obnoxiously laughing with wine in their hands. The momment blake arrived her and ellen became bestfriends. They were constantly in a corner laughing.

"hey guys" jack says as he approaches them

"oh, hi jack and my beautiful daughter" blake said

" she is very beautiful. Jack is very lucky don't mess it up jacky" ellen states making the couple laugh.

"soooooo guess what!?"

"what?!" blake asks

"i got a job! i'm gonna be one of the main characters in this show that's one season"

"oh my gosh YAY!" ellen cheered.

"yay yay yay!!!!! i'm so so excited for you bug!" Blake yelled

She brought her daughter into a heart warming hug. Jack and ellen went inside so it gave the two time to talk alone.

"ah i'm so happy!!" estella added

Daylight |Jack HughesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя