xxv. the loss

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Finan, Revna, and Osferth walk to Thyra and Beocca's home as they hear people screaming and the smell of something burning, upon seeing the house on fire Finan places his hands on his head in panic. Revna put a comforting hand on his back as she attempted to calm him.

"Oh, bejesus." He mumbled horrified as he turned to her, Revna shushed him quietly as she removed his hands from gripping his hair.

"Oh, dear lord." Osferth muttered.

"Fetch Father Beocca! Fetch him now! Go!" Finan orders as he sees Sihtric and the men toss buckets of water onto the flames.

"Sihtric! Thyra, is she inside?" Finan asked frantically, he reached out to hold her hand to settle his anxiety and she intertwined them immediately.

"I thought she was at the palace?" Sihtric asked in confusion. Revna's heart stopped at the realization that Uhtred's sister was burning alive.

"No, no, she left. She walked out!" Finan began to panic when he realized Thyra was possibly in there.

"Get the door! Get the door!" Sihtric ordered and then got shoved back when the house began to collapse, and people screamed around them. Beocca raced past them to the house.

"No! No, this is not happening! Thyra! I'm here. I am here!" He shouts and fights against Sihtric and Finan's hold when they grab him. He falls to the ground in grief when the house burns up. He screams and cries as Sihtric and Finan hug him on the ground. Revna crouched next to them and squeezed Beocca's hand, the priest gripped it tightly.

Later when the house is nothing but ash, Hild joins them. Finan and Sihtric lean against the beam behind the two as they stand quietly. Finan laid his head on her shoulder as she rubbed his back, she knew that he and Sihtric felt guilty.

"Father, she is with God now. You know that and he will welcome her, I'm sure." Hild said as she sat next to him.

"It's how her family died, in a fire. You think that would be a comfort or would it terrify her further?" He asked as he shuffled.

"Father, all we know is that she's at peace now. She's at peace." Hild said with a sad look.

"You need to walk away now, Father. A drink of ale, maybe? Once the heat is gone, I shall recover her and wrap her for you to bury." Finan claims as he kneels next to the man and places a hand on his shoulder. Revna smiled sadly at them and felt Sihtric brush his arm against hers.

"I...no...I will find her. She is my wife." Becca said stuttering out a response.

"She is. We'll help you then." Finan stated as he looked at Sihtric.

"This fire did not just happen. It did not." Beocca said with certainty.

"Lord? What is this, a hunting party?" Finan asked when he saw Uhtred leaving with Steapa, she shared a worried look with Sihtric.

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