vii. comfort

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"So, they decided to let you go?" Finan asks as he gives him Uhtred his weapons, Revna doesn't expect to see their leader fall from the roof but there's a first for everything.

"We should ride."

"Lord, you are cut." Finan said worried Revna checked the wound and Uhtred smacked her hand away.

"I know you did not just—" Uhtred quickly interrupted her.

"Barely." He said to Finan.

"We will ride to where lord?" Sihtric asks getting the horses ready, he rolls his eyes at Revna who glares at Uhtred.

"To Ragnar and to the Danes." Revna groaned at the name.

Stay here and fight the Saxons or go to Ragnar who once upon a time wanted to marry her.

She rather fight the Saxons.

"Then we should go meet your men." Finan said as he moved to help her on the horse while speaking to Uhtred, Sihtric coughed next to her with a grin.

"Do not say a word." She mumbled to the younger man.

"Hurry! Hyah, hyah!" Uhtred yells as they race off,

"Why is she not food for the rats by now?" Finan asked hours later as they sat around the fire. He sticks his feet near the fire making her frown in disgust while Uhtred groans in pain again. Revna can feel Skade watching them from her place away from them.

"Because she has a gift. Because she has taken hold of my path." He mumbled as Revna watched Finan breathe warm air into his hands.

"If we kill her, the curse will live on. It is the curse that must be killed," Sihtric says to them. Uhtred gets up with a pained moan and walks into the woods. "She is the worm and Uhtred is the apple." Sihtric whispers.

"That's horrible and everything but do I have to go to Ragnar's?" Revna asked glancing between the men.

"You don't have to do anything, I suppose. I just thought you would stay longer." Sihtric said with a pitiful expression and she sighed in guilt.

"Not like that, little brother. It's just that..." She trailed off. "Things between Ragnar and I were left unsaid and awkward. He was very upfront with what he wanted and that was me." Revna noticed Finan hadn't said a word and instead was scowling at the flames.

"You and Ragnar? You were both children before you were sent away." Sihtric said with a grin and leaned closer.

"Yes, we were. But I do not wish to be stuck between the man who kissed me as children and your friend who tries to charm his way into my pants." Revna said with a half smile and noticed Finan perk up.

"Is it working?"

"No." Finan slouched down in defeat as Sihtric gaged in disgust at the whole thing.

"Gross." He mumbled and walked away from them.

Once morning comes they have headed out again on their horses and she notices Uhtred looks awful. With the help of Sihtric, he can get onto his horse and a few hours later they hear him start to cough and vomit over the side of his horse.

"Should we not stop to rest? I am tired of the sight of my horse's head, his ears in particular." Osferth says with a frown.

"We need shelter and fire, boy. There's no shelter here." Finan said a moment later. They watch Uhtred fall off his horse, and Sihtric and Finan immediately run to their fallen lord.

"Lord, lord! Are you hurt, lord? Is it your wound?" Sihtric asks as they prop him up.

"No, she has me." Uhtred says weakly.

"Jesus, he looks the color of a Scotsman's arse. Is there anything broken?" Finan questions checking the lord over for injuries.

"She is squeezing the life from me." He mumbled and locked eyes with her, a silent plea for help.

"Either that or the cold has got to your bones." Finan supplies an explanation.

"Finan, you will find a cart and you will haul me to Dunholm, to Brida. She will know what to do." He whispers and Finan nods.

"Get him up." The two men help lay the lord into a cart and tuck him in with fur cloaks.

"A few days more lord. It is your cart that is slowing us down." Uhtred doesn't say anything as Finan slaps the side and rides farther up.

"Has he drunk any ale?" Finan asks once they make camp, Uhtred sleeps under a tent for protection from the weather.

"A little."

"A little is of little use." Finan says with a cup of ale as he walks to Uhtred, Revna turns to Skade who is already looking at her.

"He must accept me as his woman." She says simply, Revna reaches out and grabs a fistful of the blonde hair, and Skade gasps in discomfort as she retches her head back.

"If Uhtred dies tonight, I'm going to rip out your intestines and strangle you with them." Revna threatened and watched Skade grimace.

"Is that before or after I make your Irishman cry?" Revna lashed out at the blonde and punched her making the seer crumble to the ground in pain.

"Cunt." Revna spat and walked over to Finan and Uhtred.

"All right, do you have the strength to lift up a wee cup, lord? Hmm, even if it is to wet your lips?" Finan moves his hand behind Uhtred's head to lift it gently.

"Oh, eh. I'd wager you feel like you're back on the slave ship. You got past that nightmare, you can get past the. Believe me." Finan clutched Uhtred's hand and searched his face for any sign that the lord was getting better or worse.

"It's her Finan, turning my insides outward." Finan turns to look at Skade who is churning a mixing bowl while looking at Revna, he's surprised to see the seer has blood pouring from her blood and the vicious glare directed at Revna.

"Then kill her. Or let me do it for you." Finan pleads, Revna moves closer to the men and crouches down beside Finan.

"I could, Uhtred. She cannot curse me, not when death needs me." She says looking at the dying man with a frown.

"No." Uhtred whispers.

"Uhtred, I fear you are dying. Sihtric, says we will arrive at Dunholm tomorrow. They've been watching us for most of the day, at least I hope it's them." Finan held back his tears as he placed his fur cloak over Uhtred. Revna watches the man walk away and furiously wipe away the tears.

"You are strong, Uhtred. A seer will not break you, she dare not." Uhtred gave her a weak smile as she stood, she observed Sihtric and Osferth who were lost in thought. Finan paces back and forth anxiously and against every rule, she has put into place, she breaks one.

She hugs Finan.

The man melts into her embrace sobbing, his arms holding her armor tightly as he buries his face in the crook of her neck, she reaches up to run her fingers through his hair to soothe him.

"He will prevail, Finan." She whispered to the crying man and she would never admit it, but it felt comforting to hold him.

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