ii. the bloody kiss

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Traveling with Bloodhair and Skade was the worst mistake she had made so far, the sight of them ingesting the seer's blood and kissing filthily after was the most horrifying thing she'd ever witnessed.

And she doesn't fear much.

"You could join us, I would not mind having two women to please." Bloodhair says with a smirk, Revna recoils in disgust at the thought. She didn't understand why she and Skade had to attack a small town, it held nothing but priests and useless men. She waited impatiently for the blonde to join her, she watched the seer spit her blood into the man's mouth before pulling away.

"You deserve the Christian's hell just for that alone." Revna said as the blonde laughed at the grimace on her face.

"Come on, Lady Death. We have a Dane-slayer to curse."

"No, you have a dane-slayer to curse. I am merely here to give the devil herself an awkward pat on the back when he inevitably rejects you." She said with a smirk when Skade scoffed.

"No man would deny me and my gift."

"Only those that think with their cocks would accept you." Revna watched as Skade scowled at her.

"You are jealous they would choose me over you. No one wants a traumatized woman." Revna attacked before she could fully grasp what the blonde said, her sword cut into Skade's throat as she pressed it into her skin.

"One more word and you will lose your tongue." She snapped and pulled the sword away and watched the seer's blood stain her skin crimson.

It was a known fact that trauma when left untreated could make a villain out of anyone. No one can truly understand how innocent people who save the world, who become war heroes, who have a father who just expects them to be brave no matter the cost to the insides of their minds, become villains without even trying to.

Trauma changes a person like how she wasn't always an arrogant, self-involved, obsessive bad guy, how that is just the way she projects herself to keep the vulnerable little girl hidden; because the sad truth is that is what is expected of her.

And she doesn't know when she became so obsessed with finding her brother, causing it to grow like a parasite left untreated, perhaps it was her escape from the torment Frankia left her with, or truthfully under her brash surface she as kept a beast inside secretly hidden, ready to rip apart anything that stands in her way. Be it a seer or Saxon.

Thus she became the villain, simply because she expressed the hard truth they did not want to come to terms with. So they blamed the lady death and chaos on her as if she whispered the actions into the universe. She would rip an angel's wings from its body if it would gift her what she had lost, she would summon bloody rains over the world setting it in stone to burn for its sins and violence if she could.

Skade leaned against the alter as she waited for the infamous Dane-slayer, Revna sat on the corner of the stone table with a leg propped up. She was sharpening her blade with some flint, she ignored the blonde's gaze on her.

"He will be here soon." Revna just grunted and felt the blonde slide up to her, she rested a hand on Revna's knee. "The man you look for, Revna, he follows the Uhtred." Revna narrowed her eyes at the seer and shoved her off, she smirked when the blonde scoffed.

"I do not believe you, seer." Revna and Skade hear a commotion outside the church and Skade lights up with a vicious smile.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Bloodhair's guards ask.

"I would like you all to surrender or I will smite you." A man says.

"What did he say? Smite? What is smite?" The dane guard asks.

"It's a word, isn't it?" Revna cracks a rare smile at the reply. "A word from the holy book. It means slay it kill, I will kill you." He threatens.

"You will smite all of us?"

"Yeah, most. Some of you might run away, hopefully. I've got a..." He trails off. "I've got a sword. A very sharp sword but I prefer if you surrendered." Skade once again moves to her side and she can practically feel the rush of darkness coming from her.

"Hæsten says she is of the devil and that lady death follows her." Revna was surprised her reputation followed her to Wessex, she figured that had something to do with Bloodhair and Skade trying to claim her as their woman.

"Then it might be an idea to bar the door and burn the place down. Why not?" An Irishman says with a tinge of fear making Revna smirk. She liked it when men feared her, it was both arousing and filled her with a sense of power.

"To Bloodhair, they will be priceless." The leader uses his sword to push the door open, as they enter they notice the place is filled with dead men and priests. The pale witch awaits them while Revna ignores the men, she's more focused on her sword than mortal men.

"You are Skade?" Their last guard unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the man. "You! You will do nothing except go to your lord. You will tell him that Uhtred of Bebbanburg has his witch."

"I knew it was you." Skade finally speaks. Gods, she hated the annoying blonde.

"There will be a ransom to pay."

"No, you will go to my lord and you will tell him that from this moment forth, Uhtred of Bebbanburg is cursed." Skade holds out the heart, and Revna sees out of the corner of her eye one of the men reaches up to grab his cross. He might be the Irishman, she decides. "The witch holds his heart in her hands and she will squeeze it and break it." Skade tosses the heart down. "It is you who are my prisoner now." Skade walks closer and Revna feels her skin crawl from the looks she receives.

"Seize her. I said seize her. Sihtric, now! Bind her hands." Uhtred demands as he points to Skade, the seer glares at him menacingly. Revna paused at the name, it cannot be her luck that this Sihtric was her brother.

"I have aligned myself with the three spinners of fate and taken hold of your life. You belong to me now."

"And her mouth." Uhtred says a moment later and Revna decides to look up at them for the first time.

"Your path is the path I choose for you, Uhtred Ragnarsson. And your spirit is mine to torment." Sihtric binds her hands as Finan puts a cloth in her mouth and ties it. Skade stares at Uhtred as if she can see into his soul.

"Cover her eyes." Finan placed his bloodstained hand over her eyes. "We'll take her to Aescengum." Uhtred then looks to Revna and fears she might retaliate.

"You are alive." She whispered and Uhtred watched as Sihtric turned to the woman and froze. "I hoped you were, but I did not expect to find you." Sihtric shoves the blonde against Finan and rushes to the woman, they embrace one another with tears in their eyes. It reminded Uhtred of the reunion between himself and Ragnar.

"You are Revna? Sihtric's older sister?" Uhtred asked softly remembering the boy speaking of her often, he idolized the woman even after all these years.

"Yes, she is my sister." Sihtric spoke and placed his forehead against hers not caring about the dried blood and paint that would rub off on his own. "We have found one another again."

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