xxii. winchester

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"Finan." Uhtred says as he walks up to his friend, Revna groaned in annoyance. She was so close to convincing the Irishman to take a nap with her and Uhtred interrupted.


"Have the priests unload half of what they've taken. Send them back to Alfred. You will ride with them." Uhtred demanded and Finan sighed as he turned to her with an exhausted expression. Revna raked her fingers through his hair and smiled when he relaxed against her.

"All the way to Winchester?"

"I will follow and find you." Uhtred promised and softened his gaze at the sight of the two, he was happy for them.

"And what of Skade?"

"She stays with me. I will find you in Winchester. I must be there. Unseen." Uhtred said and turned to Revna with a silent order, they both knew nothing would happen to his three men while she was near.

"And if Alfred decides to take me hostage?"

"He will have you watched, nothing more. You need only drink ale and find a woman." Uhtred tells him with a smile. Revna scoffed in jealousy at that and Uhtred hid his amused smile as Finan paled.

"I do not want anyone but you, beautiful. And I can do that, lord, We all need a good woman!" Finan shouted when Uhtred walked away. Finan pulled her into a chaste kiss when she narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"I will kill any whore that touches you." She spoke with determination and Finan felt his heart flutter at the promise.

"I only want you, little bird."

"My men are free men still. They'll travel with you to Winchester, ensure your safe return." Uhtred tells the Bishop as he walks to his horse. Finan leaned against Revna's horse and closed his eyes when her hand caressed his cheek and moved to squeeze the back of his neck softly.

"I have a guard. And Wessex is not a land of banditry." The Bishop claimed.

"Priests and Ealdorman aside, you should never refuse the offer of a sword, Bishop Erkenwald." Finan tells the holy man as he crosses his arms and ignores the teasing looks his friends sent the two.

"Is it your intention to remain at Coccham?"

"It is not. My lord's intention is to rule at Winchester." Skade adds as she stands next to Uhtred and the Dane-slayer sends her a dirty look. Revna scoffed at that and looked to Sihtric who snickered at her expression, she was so done with the seer's voice.

"Is that right, lord?" Finan asked sardonically and kissed her wrist when she moved away from him.

"My business is my own." Uhtred claims.

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