xv. curse of death

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"Apologies for keeping you waiting in the cold, my dear, your father is to blame after deliberation, he has decided not to attend." Æthelred mocked and shrunk back into his seat at Revna's glare, Aethelflæd smiled softly at her.

"I am here in place of the king. I'm here to speak for the king." Edward said and Uhtred was secretly amused when the boy looked fearfully at Revna.

"Our business is with Alfred." Aethelflæd spoke to them.

"Edward is Alfred."

"On this occasion." Beocca correct.

"We are all curious about what you have to say, my dear. Speak." Æthelred motioned around him. Sihtric placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her from attacking the Mercian lord.

"Danes are near."

"Yes, which is why we are gathered. This is not some hunting party." Æthelred said annoyed.

"Hæsten is with them. His army is allied with them." Aethelflæd informed them.

"But it was Hæsten who first advised the king that the Danes were marching south."

"He would do that, Lord." Uhtred said.

"Hæsten also advised the king this dane army included yourself, Uhtred Ragnarsson."

"It does not, father." Uhtred felt Revna move next to him and he relaxed knowing their human attack dog was protecting him.

"Which we can clearly see."

"Hæsten has betrayed the king. He rode to Mercia to kill me, Uhtred saved me." Aethelflæd said attempting to make them see reason.

"God is good, praise him."

"I am at a loss. How is it that you knew of this danger? How is it he knew exactly where to find you?" Aethelred questioned as he leaned forward.

"An interesting question, lord."

"An irrelevant question." Aethelflæd snapped.

"Uhtred made a plan with this dane, this Hæsten to save you, to gain your trust, gain entry to this estate."

"No." Aethelflæd said sharply.

"A spy."

"An assassin." Men began to murmur with false opinions.

"No, saved me."

"I should've expected nothing different." Uhtred said with a scoff, Revna watched him closely.

"Uhtred has risked everything for me—"

"That's what he wants you to believe, I am sure." Æthelred interrupted.

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