iv. little bird

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"Bloodhair! Come for me, avenge me, free me! I demand it! Bloodhair!" Skade shouts from above, thanks to Uhtred's plan. The men around them mumbled their displeasure at hearing her scream for hours on end.

"When can we bind her mouth shut?" Sihtric asked Uhtred. Revna and Sihtric stand together with their pinkies intertwined, a coping mechanism that helped soothe them as children. It was nice to know despite the time that passed she and Sihtric still had their deep bond.

Finan thought it was cute but he would never say so out loud.

"Die for me! Desire me!" Skade shouts in the distance, as they ignore her. Revna watching in amusement as Finan can barely keep his eyes open.

"Let her sing." Uhtred says.

"That is not singing." Osferth said with a smile.

"Lord Uhtred, you are allowing that woman to wail all night long?" Sigebriht asked annoyed.

"For a little while longer, yes." Aethelwold walks up waking them a moment later and Revna prays to her gods that he leaves soon.

"Here is a bit of loose talk for you. Sigebriht here, son of whoever would like to rip the innards from young Edwards's belly. Would you like to know why?" Aethelwold asks, Finan watches them sleepily.

"Um...no." Uhtred said. Aethelwold looks at her with a frown when she snorts at the comment.

"I'll tell you. Edward the non-bastard son of Alfred," He says pointing at Osferth. "Has whelped twins on the girl whom Sigebriht did love."

"And does Sigebriht still love this girl?" Osferth questioned, Revna clicked her tongue in anger considering she and Sihtric were bastard children.

"Can someone not just cut her throat?" Aethelwold asks as Skade continues to shout for her lover.

"Why are you telling me this? It's of no concern to me." Uhtred sighs and looks over at her. Revna shrugged at the man and stifled a laugh when Finan's head slipped off the beam and startled him awake.

"They will make it your concern, Uhtred. They will find a way and Edward shall become your charge. You're a kingmaker, my friend. And Alfred knows it."

"My tolerance for Christians starts and stops solely with Osferth and Finan. I would prefer to kill the rest." Revna scoffs in disgust at Aethelwold as he walks away from them. Sihtric shakes his head and goes to take the first watch as Uhtred and Osferth leave. She turns to Finan who has fallen back asleep she taps his shoulder to wake him, a sore neck would do a warrior no favor.

"I am doing this for Uhtred and not you. He needs his warriors at full strength and not fighting a sore neck." She speaks when Finan smiles sleepily up at her.

"If you say so, little bird." He mumbled as he slowly moved to his room, Revna huffed in annoyance and decided to join her brother.

"Lord, it is Bloodhair! He has hostages!"

"Every man to the walls, every sword and spear must be ready!" Uhtred orders as he alerts everyone. "Osferth, prepare to open the gates. Finan and Revna, with me." The two nod and gather their respective weapons.

"Uhtred, what is it?" Beocca asks as he and Alfred's group walk to them.

"Who is it?"

"You cannot be that dull, lord." Revna speaks as she grabs her sword from Finan with a nod.

"Bloodhair, with hostages." Uhtred informs.

"He wishes to negotiate?" Alfred asks.

"Possibly!" Uhtred shouts as he retrieves Skade from her cage.

"Osferth, the gates. Steapa, be ready!" Revna and Finan walk out before Uhtred and Skade, Revna smirks at Bloodhair's betrayed look.

"They are killing women, lord."

"The gates! Earl Sigurd kill one more hostage and I shall let every man here see her nakedness and then I shall spill her guts. Just one more!" Uhtred demands holding Skade roughly. Revna looks to her left and sees Finan resting his sword on his shoulder with his free hand gripping his belt. The Irishman winks at her with a cocky grin.

She frowned at him.

"Do it, lord! I'll see you in the next life." Skade shouted to him. Uhtred holds her roughly as she fights against his grip. "Kill them all! Attack!" Uhtred retaliated by punching her in the stomach, and Skade groaned in pain. "Bloodhair, kill them now! Attack now!" Bloodhair ignores her request.

"What's your answer? I have a mind to kill her. She tires me."

"He cannot do it, lord. He's cursed!" Skade screams. Uhtred shoved Skade to the ground and kicked her.

"You will not harm her again!" Bloodhair shouts in anger.

"The price has risen. You will not only spare the hostages, you will free them and send them across to the burh." Uhtred demands with an air of superiority.

"What I'll do is feed you your cock," He said and then looked to Revna. "You betray me for him? You have traveled with us for months!" He shouts in anger.

"To betray you means we were friends, Bloodhair. I only wanted to find my brother and I did. And he is loyal to Uhtred, so I am loyal to Uhtred." She said unbothered as she stabbed her sword into the ground in front of her, her hands placed on the hilt.

"Release her. Or I will kill the traitor whore." Revna ignored the insult, it was childish. Sihtric and Finan, however, did not take it too kindly. Finan gave the Dane a murderous look and she looked up seeing Sihtric glancing at the Dane and then the archers deep in thought.

"You have until sunset to free the hostages, or each man in this fortress will take his turn." Uhtred threatens.

"You will not see Valhalla Uhtred Ragnarsson! I swear it!" Bloodhair screams out. Finan walks backward with his arms spread out mockingly when Revna turns back one last time.

"Bloodhair! I could kill you with my hands before you even unsheathe your sword." Revna taunted and shoved Finan backward when he hovered too close.

"I would not mind your hands on me, little bird." Finan says when they enter the fortress.

"You could not handle me, Irishman." She sighed as she walked away feeling the man's eyes watching her go.

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