A Never-Ending Tale

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Mattholomule POV~ 

I was still considerably confused as my body had moved on its own but I did know one thing, I wanted to figure this out, just Gus and I.

We had hardly any time spent together that wasn't full of surprise or drama and I knew that we wouldn't have all the time in the world to enjoy each other's company.

I almost kicked the door down with the amount of force with which I entered the room. I barreled over to the bed, dragging Gus through the air with me.

The bed was quite spacious and even somehow able to fit two mutant teens, but hey, I'm not complaining.

Gus spread his wings and a map of constellations appeared, beauty rivaling that of the night sky.

I was still dumbfounded.

How on earth did this happen? Perry was a full-blooded witch and Gus's mom went missing years back.

"Well, If we want to find out about anything, we should find a book on it in the library." Gus piped up.

"Mk" I grumbled, not wanting to leave this moment. Then, as quick as a flash, I picked Gus up, promptly carrying him to the royal archives.

There, scanning through the stacks, was Amity. She looked up, first looking shocked then normal.

"I kinda had a hunch this would happen," She explained after seeing our reaction to her not freaking out.

"How?" I asked tentatively

"You forget I trained with a historian. I know the hidden signs of a dormant harpy-shifter and a crowned wisp dragon." She said with a shrug.

"A what?" Gus exclaimed, I too was shocked. Demons that inherited a dragon-esque trait were all exterminated immediately.

And then the pieces started to fall in place.

"Gus, you are only a half-breed. -I began, hoping my theory was wrong- Your father is a witch but the reason your mother is gone, well, she was probably being hunted under the emperor's command." 

His eyes widened. Understanding glazed his expression.

"I understood that I would never see her again but, what you say is probably true. Amity, can you find a picture of whatever kind of crowned-wispy thing you said I was?" He stated calmly, pain shadowing his gaze after uncovering the hidden truth of his origin.

My head was still swirling, this was a lot of stuff in one day and I had just started to get used to the idea of me being a harpy shifter.

Amity was back to looking through stacks of records until she found just the right one.

Gus's inheritance of the dragon features was similar to mine but instead of a kiss with the select other, his was a deepened emotional relationship after a kiss, making his goal take a little longer.

Looking at the picture, it was taken recently, of a lady in a cage, resembling some of Gus's facial features but with wild unruly hair.

Her eyes, horns, and wings all had a purple glow making her magnetic to look at and scarily fierce at the same time.

The caption read:

The last of the royal bloodline, Maria Porter-Featherwile.


This was Gus's mother. Royal.

The word was stuck in my head. Gus was the heir to a throne that had collapsed. His future empire had been all but diminished.

But I knew it was okay, because all Gus was sad about, was losing his mother all those years ago.

He looked up at me, and I pecked him on the lips, startling him out of his trance. Amity looked on whilst smirking.

Gus may not have a kingdom to rule anymore, but he has me.


That took a turn.

This story has been so much fun and I swear it isn't over yet but it will be over soon.

Be prepared for some wild times with these two though, thankfully, most of the drama is over, but there will always be obstacles, ones that you can't ever avoid. 

Human Rain (Gustholomule- Gus x Matt)Where stories live. Discover now