A Night Never Forgotten

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Mattholomule POV~

I sat up from bed, in a cold sweat. 

Did I imagine the whole harpy-shifter thing? When did I go to bed? What about that dream about meeting my own past self along with Gus and his?

Most importantly,

Where was Gus?

I got out of bed feeling an extra weight on my back. Stopping by the mirror, I checked myself out.

It wasn't a dream.

I shuffled down the hall, peeking around the corner and seeing Gus doing, well, Im not sure what he was doing, but he was busy.

"Gus?" I asked, my voice ringing through the halls, even though I whispered.

He didn't even acknowledge me.

"Gus!" I called again, my voice rising in pitch with stress.

He still didn't look up. Then he started to hum. It was a sweet song, melodic almost. But something was... wrong.

Finally, he turned, pushing past me. 

But his eyes, they were glowing.

Was this what the other half was warning me about? What was he going to say before his time ran out?

A blood-curdling scream broke the silence. Then, it just stopped.

Nobody stirred. Nobody rushed to see what was wrong, just me.

It was like the ruins were under a trance that only I could see through.

I tiptoed down the hall, following the newfound sound of somebody whimpering in the dark.

They sounded scared, but also in pain?

I wandered further until I saw two blue orbs dancing in the night air. 

It was Gus. But not my Gus.

"Hello." They said, pain evident in their voice.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"His other half. He just had to go away for a while, to err, get ready." I sensed that he couldn't find the words so I just nodded and he bowed his head graciously.

"Why were you screaming?" I queried wondering how he could be in so much pain.

"Well, getting new body parts is not always pleasant," He stated flatly.

Just then moonlight shone into the hall from the tiniest chip in the ceiling.

He was gorgeous.

Gus's body was now decorated with dragon wings and tall blue horns that were speckled with what seemed to be stars. He also had a tail, it was made of what seemed to be a leaf, long and ombre, fading from white to periwinkle.

A voice shook me from my thoughts.

"Matt? What are we doing in the hallway?"

Human Rain (Gustholomule- Gus x Matt)Where stories live. Discover now