Truth Be Told

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The picture is just to prepare you for the chapter to come. This is the whole reason I wrote this story. You have stumbled upon, the origin of this idea. Read at your own risk.


Mattholomule POV~

Gus looked at me again before settling himself down beside me. I sat on the right side of the bed with my knees drawn up beside me.

Taking in a shaky breath, I began my story.

(A/N There will be stuff in here that has never been mentioned before. Tread carefully.)

"During the day of unity, I saw you, lost my family, and shared a secret that I may never share with you. "

I remembered the sound of the screams, and people rushing around me, dying.

Then me spilling about my crush to Boshca *Who was now living in the castle ruins too

Then. Bria. Found. Me.

"The day after the DOU Boshca was making breakfast because she crashed for the night. We made too much noise and Bria saw us. She put us under a sleep spell and kidnapped us. From there we were her slaves. She made me dirty."

By this point, there were sobs between my words but I wouldn't let Gus help until I told him Everything.

I pulled up my sleeves revealing scars blemishing my skin. 

Gus gasped at the sight and ran his fingers along them.

"She beat Boshca and I until we were rendered useless by herself and her minions. Bria found out who I liked through a conversation I was having with Boshca. Well, I'm going to tell you now it's a boy and he's the most magnificent person I know but Bria didn't agree and assaulted me more than just physically trying to 'Rid me of my sins'."

I scooted away from Gus. He didn't need me here. I was a dirty waste of space.

"I bet you hate me now. I am dirty and impure. You should hate me. Don't refrain from calling me names. Bria made sure I knew how useless I was."

Before I could move to the floor so my crying mess could decontaminate Gus he pulled me into a hug. I just buried my face in his neck, crying into his shoulder.

A cold wind blew through a crack in the wall hitting my face like a blade of ice. Gus just pulled me in tighter. 

I fell asleep. I don't have a clue when but it happened and I felt safe. 

I love Gus.

I hope he doesn't hate me. 

I hope I get to see the sun again and that this isn't a cruel joke death is playing on me before taking me to hell. After all, what have I ever done to deserve heaven?

(A/N I hope you enjoyed it. Please continue to comment as I need something to keep my mind off of how tired I am today.)

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